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The fairies are to put it high up among the tree tops where they sleep at nights. 'How lovely, cried Wendy so longingly that Mrs. Darling tightened her grip. 'I thought all the fairies were dead, Mrs. Darling said.

She was called Jane, and always had an odd inquiring look, as if from the moment she arrived on the mainland she wanted to ask questions. When she was old enough to ask them they were mostly about Peter Pan. She loved to hear of Peter, and Wendy told her all she could remember in the very nursery from which the famous flight had taken place. Mrs. Darling was now dead and forgotten.

She let down a tape from the window to the pavement, and it was a sheer drop of thirty feet, without so much as a spout to climb up by. Certainly Wendy had been dreaming. But Wendy had not been dreaming, as the very next night showed, the night on which the extraordinary adventures of these children may be said to have begun. On the night we speak of all the children were once more in bed.

The three riders dismounted, and Miss Carr, tying Baron to the fence, said she would walk up the lane and pay the bill while the girls waited for her in the road. Allowing Lady and Topsy to crop the grass in the hedge bottom, Diana and Wendy sat on the bank lazily enjoying themselves. It was very pleasant that afternoon to be alive.

She gave him a look of the most intense admiration, and he thought it was because he had run away, but it was really because he knew fairies. Wendy had lived such a home life that to know fairies struck her as quite delightful.

'How perfectly awful, Wendy said. 'Do you know, Peter asked, 'why swallows build in the eaves of houses? It is to listen to the stories. O Wendy, your mother was telling you such a lovely story. 'Which story was it? 'About the prince who couldn't find the lady who wore the glass slipper. 'Peter, said Wendy excitedly, 'that was Cinderella, and he found her, and they lived happy ever after.

'If you knew how great is a mother's love, Wendy told them triumphantly, 'you would have no fear. She had now come to the part that Peter hated. 'I do like a mother's love, said Tootles, hitting Nibs with a pillow. 'Do you like a mother's love, Nibs? 'I do just, said Nibs, hitting back.

He was begging Wendy to get better quickly, so that he could show her the mermaids. Of course she could not answer yet, being still in a frightful faint; but from overhead came a wailing note. 'Listen to Tink, said Curly, 'she is crying because the Wendy lives. Then they had to tell Peter of Tink's crime, and almost never had they seen him look so stern.

Great were the rejoicings when Peter reached the home under the ground almost as soon as Wendy, who had been carried hither and thither by the kite. Every boy had adventures to tell; but perhaps the biggest adventure of all was that they were several hours late for bed.

There was a fixed rule that they must never hit back at meals, but should refer the matter of dispute to Wendy by raising the right arm politely and saying, "I complain of so-and-so;" but what usually happened was that they forgot to do this or did it too much. "Silence," cried Wendy when for the twentieth time she had told them that they were not all to speak at once.