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I dig the ground, and plant things that are to live and grow. My works don't all moulder away, and rot in the earth. You see that spade in the centre? 'The very old one so notched and worn? Yes. 'That's the sexton's spade, and it's a well-used one, as you see. We're healthy people here, but it has done a power of work.

Then, midway, in thinking about them, he found himself, as Monkey said, thinking of something else: of his weeks at Bourcelles again and what a long holiday it had been, and whether it was wasted time or well-used time-a kind of general stock-taking, as it were, but chiefly of how little he had accomplished after all, set down in black and white.

Finally Joe became so well-used to the gasoline bicycle, as he sometimes called it, that he took Helen out with him, she sitting on the seat in the rear. Naturally a good equilibrist, the girl took easily to the motor-cycle, and even when Joe went at top speed on some smooth road she liked it. "Oh, it's just great!" she said. "I'll think Rosebud is terribly slow after this."

The pages look like well-used drum parchments, and I am certain Jack must often find it hard to decipher the words upon them. His exercises look as if they had been left out in an ink shower, and the very pen he uses is generally wet with ink up to the very tip of the handle, which, by the way, he usually nibbles when he's nothing better to do. Who shall describe his desk?

We all wanted to know what had been born in that long silence, for the firelight was bright in two eyes that were very wide and wise but the brain was only seven.... I left the circle and went up the cliff to find a book in the study a well-used book, an American book. Returning, I read this from it, holding the page close to the fire: OLD IRELAND

Perhaps fifty others, seeing the ground trodden, will run in the same track. And there you have your well-used path, which looks as if it was made by men's feet! "You may thank your lucky star, Dol, every hour of this night, that the false trail didn't lead you away away higher higher up the mountain, until you dropped in your tracks, and died there alone, as others have done before."

A goodly crop had the little patch produced; for the vegetable decays and fertilizing rains and snows of centuries had covered the prairie with a dressing with which art could not compete, and it was more difficult not to get a harvest from the seed sown than to get one. The rows of hills were covered with the bountiful returns brought up to the light of day by Tom's well-used hoe.

The neat, substantially furnished room so free from frippery or foppishness the queer Oriental pipes the well-used books in sober calf bindings, which had once been splendid the college arms on almost every volume these details impressed her in spite of herself. 'Poor young man! I should like to send him some money, she said. 'He would not take it; he would scorn your money, said Vernon.

Thus faded the old life out of Arthur's view, its sin-stained personages frightened off the scene by his well-used knowledge of their crimes. Whatever doubt they held about his real character, self-interest accepted him as Arthur Dillon. He was free. Honora saw the delight of that freedom in his loving and candid expression. He repressed his feelings no more, no longer bound.

On the night of the Candle Club party the girls met first at Dorothy's house, and went out into the stable together. A large room on the second floor had been given up to the boys who had furnished and decorated it to suit their taste and their opportunities. An old piano, begged for by Frank when the Marshalls were buying a new one, stood under one of the electric lights and looked well-used.