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I stand six foot two an' dress easy an' comfortable, an' some o' the guys on the trains allus seem to think 'at I'm part of the show, out for an airin'. "Well, to tell you the truth, honey," I sez to the little feller, "I ain't fully maychured yet. We get hair on our faces pretty young out here, but we don't get our growth till we're twenty-five. I'm water-boy to the E. Z. outfit.

The top is punched sieve-like that the water may enter as it is dipped in the bucket with which the water-boy strains along. In the bottom is a single small hole out of which spurts into the drinker's mouth a little stream of water as he holds it high above his head, as once he drank wine from his leather bota in far-off Spain.

If you want the women to vote just hand me the ax and show me the man who would prevent them. If you think the women should play the baseball of our country it's all right with me. I'll help pass a law making it illegal for Hans Wagner to hang around a ball park except as water-boy. If you believe that women ought to wear three-story hats in theaters No, I'm not making fun of you.

Darrah the credit of being what he really is at bottom a right-hearted Virginia gentleman of the old school?" "You don't mean that you are going to accept!" said Adams, aghast. "Certainly; and so are you." There was no more to be said, and Adams held his peace while Winton scribbled a line of acceptance on a leaf of his note-book and sent it across to the Rosemary by the hand of the water-boy.

Directly below, in a group of shrubby trees on the border of the stony creek which alone remained of the river, was a village of white tents. From Alex's feet a rough trail slanted downward toward it. Giving his pony free rein, he descended. "Where is Mr. Norton?" he asked of a water-boy at the foot of the path. "That's him at the table in front of the middle tent," the boy directed.

In the normal relations of industry Bob would have been the boss of a hundred activities and twice that number of men; while Jack Pollock, at best, would be water-boy or fuel-purveyor to a donkey engine. Along in the middle of the morning young Elliott passed carrying a crowbar and a spade. "How'll you trade jobs?" he called. "What's yours?" asked Bob.

Winton pointed to the waiting octopod. "I'm going to order the Two-fifteen down out of the way: you may go with her if you like." "I guess not!" quoth the assistant, calmly lighting a fresh cigarette. And then to the water-boy, who was acting quartermaster: "Give me a rifle and a cartridge-belt, Chunky, and I'll stay here with the boss."

They were enjoying themselves, as guileless childhood will, between their duties of letting a train in and out of the switch. Well on in the second half of the morning another diminutive Iberian, a water-boy, brought his compatriots a pail of water and carried off the empty bucket.

A little bootblack and a water-boy held the places now, and occasionally begged for custom from any one who happened to linger near. Passing in and out among the crowds were pretty young girls selling flowers, ragged boys carrying trays of fruit crimson peaches, purple grapes and ripe figs and men selling bracelets and necklaces of shells and colored beads. It was a gay scene.