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And, as you suggest, there has been for some time past something er equivocal about your position here. However, just at this moment I have hardly time to By Jove!" Here he breaks off and glances at the clock. "Two-fifteen, and a general council of our attorneys called for half-past in the directors' room! Someone else must attend to Miss Verona's estimable aunt positively!

'What a great fellow! What was his name? I asked. Sir Walter did not answer at once. He was looking out of the window. 'His name, he said at last, 'was Harry Bullivant. He was my son. God rest his brave soul! The Gathering of the Missionaries I wrote out a wire to Sandy, asking him to come up by the two-fifteen train and meet me at my flat. 'I have chosen my colleague, I said.

From a book Ann recited the business of that day; naming each article that had been sold, and the cost and the profit thereof. "How's that with last year?" her father commanded. "Two-fifteen below." "Fool!" John whispered. "You are a cow, with your gamey leg. You're ruining the place."

At two-fifteen that afternoon May had passed through the vestibule of the hotel, and her foot was on the step of the taxicab when a hand fell upon her arm, and she turned in alarm to meet the searching eyes of Jasper Cole. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, May?" She flushed and drew her arm away with a decisive gesture. "I have nothing to say to you, Jasper," she said coldly.

But I'm not on duty continuously. I am Box. Cox takes over to-morrow." He rose to his feet and looked at his watch. "You ought to move off by half-past one, sir," he said to Blaikie. "It begins to get light after that, and the Bosches have three shells for that cross-road over there down in their time-table at two-fifteen. They're a hide-bound lot, but punctual!" "Thanks," said Blaikie.

He looked appealingly at Colonel Eden and at the police officer. They were entirely unresponsive. "And at two pounds, going " said Mr. Robinson. "Two-ten," said Dan Gallaher, in a quiet voice. "Two-fifteen," said James McNiece. Dan Gallaher, still apparently bored by the proceedings, raised the price another five shillings. James McNiece went half a crown further.

"Telephone me 2079 and we'll arrange to do something this afternoon." "And whom shall I ask for?" "Telephone at two-fifteen to the minute, and I'll answer the telephone myself." She evidently rather enjoyed the mystery of their not knowing each other's names. But a black idea occurred to Ben. She had slid off the raft and swum a few strokes before he shouted to her: "Look here.

It would look so absurd after all the years that he had kept the parrot and made much of it suddenly to try and find it a new home. "Has my brother arrived?" he asked of the stable-boy, who had come with the pony-carriage to meet him. "Yessir, came down by the two-fifteen. Your parrot's dead." The boy made the latter announcement with the relish which his class finds in proclaiming a catastrophe.

Her special technique in such matters was to pretend that such little incidents hardly came into the realm of her consciousness. She said, "At two-fifteen, then," and swam away for good. Later in the day a gentleman who owned both a bathing house and a bathing suit on Bailey's beach was showing the latter possession to a group of friends. "No one can tell me that Newport isn't damp," he said.

So intrigued was Merriman by the whole business that he determined to repeat his visit the following night also. He did so, and once again witnessed Mr. Coburn's stealthy walk to the shed at two a.m., and his equally stealthy return at two-fifteen. Rack his brains as he would over the problem of these nocturnal visits, Merriman could think of no explanation.