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Here and there pieces of their quaint and uncouth shaped apparatus, the aludel, the alembic, and the alkaner, the pelican, the crucible, and the water-bath, occupy their respective stations. The clumsy, heavy, oaken table in the centre is covered with copies of scarce and valuable alchymical tracts, in company with the caput mortum and the hour-glass.

Shake well, and keep the tube in a water-bath at about 100 degrees F. A very good emulsion is obtained. Experiment 80. To show that bile favors filtration and the absorption of fats. Place two small funnels of exactly the same size in a filter stand, and under each a beaker. Pour into each an equal volume of almond oil; cover with a slip of glass to prevent evaporation.

They did not succeed in what they attempted, but they brought into vogue the natural processes of sublimation, filtration, distillation, and crystallization; they invented the alembic, the retort, the sand-bath, the water-bath and other valuable instruments.

Place in each tube an equal amount of well-washed fibrin, plug the tubes with absorbent cotton, and place all in a water-bath at about 100 degrees F. Experiment 73. Examine from time to time the three test tubes in the preceding experiment.

SCALDING FRUIT. The best way of scalding any kind of fruit, is to do it in a stone jar on a hot iron hearth; or by putting the vessel into a saucepan of water, called a water-bath. Vinegar also is best boiled in the same manner. SCALDING PUDDING. From a pint of new milk take out enough to mix three large spoonfuls of flour into a smooth batter.

Go to the great concerts where you know that the music is good, and that you ought to like it whether you do or not. Take a music-bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water-bath is to the body. I wouldn't trouble myself about the affectations of people who go to this or that series of concerts chiefly because it is fashionable.

Add to each an equal amount a few threads of well-washed fibrin which has been previously steeped for some time in dilute hydrochloric acid, so that it is swollen and transparent. Keep the tubes in a water-bath at about 104 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour and examine them at intervals of twenty minutes. After five to ten minutes the fibrin in A is dissolved and the fluid begins to be turbid.

The flask is heated in a water-bath, and the vapours condensed by a Liebig's condenser. In the case of phosphorus the condenser should be of glass, and the process of distillation conducted in the dark, so that the luminosity of the phosphorus may be noted. For the separation of an alkaloid, the following is the process of Stas-Otto.

Digest the contents of the stomach in cold distilled water and very dilute sulphuric acid; strain, filter, and press residue. Evaporate the filtrate to half its bulk, digest with alcohol, and evaporate alcohol off in a water-bath. Remove ether and allow it slowly to evaporate. Test resulting alkaloid. Tests. No change of colour with the mineral acids. White deposit with corrosive sublimate.

Place milk in a test tube, add a drop or two of commercial rennet, and place the tube in a water-bath at about 100 degrees F. The milk becomes solid in a few minutes, forming a curd, and by and by the curd of casein contracts, and presses out a fluid, the whey. Experiment 71. Repeat the experiment, but previously boil the rennet.