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My legs for the air-work ain't what they used to be. Inflammatory rheumatism, y'know. I've got a mind to buy me a farm, too, dearie. Settle down. Say, I got to hand it to you, dearie you're one fine Fat. Baby Ella herself had nothin' on you, and I've worked with as fine Fats as there is in the business.

People, too, were suffering agonies in their homes because of the inferior quality of the food, the lack of necessary fats and sugar which normal people need for regular nourishment.

Iguana fat for pains in the head and stiffness anywhere. Porcupine and opossum fats for preserving their hair, fish fat to gloss their skins, emu fat in cold weather to save their skins from chapping.

The fats are melted in a copper, by means of a steam-jacket, or coil of steam-pipe in the copper, and the soda-lye is run in until complete union has taken place. The exact point of neutralization can easily be found by taking out a small sample after stirring, and dissolving it in some methylated spirits.

He fats prize-labourers, sir, just as Lord Minchampstead fats prize- oxen and pigs. Lancelot could not help thinking of that amusingly inconsistent, however well-meant, scene in Coningsby, in which Mr.

'T is the aluminium in a man's bones that fats land roots or grass or corn. Anybody of larnin', 'll tell 'e that. Strip the belly off 'e, an', bone for bone, a lean man like me shaws as fair as you. No offence offered or taken, but a gross habit's mere clay and does more harm than gude underground." Mr.

Also he was going to find what an "eel pie" was, and he had a dozen Dickensonian dishes that he proposed to explore, dishes whose very names would make a wooden Indian's mouth water. But when he got there the cupboard was bare. England was going on rations. Fats were scarce, sugars were rare, starches were controlled by the food board. And who could make a currant tart without these?

In this way the oils and fats are divided into particles sufficiently minute to permit of their being absorbed into the blood. Again, this most important digestive fluid produces on starch an action similar to that of saliva, but much more powerful.

At the time when the United States entered the war there was a dangerous shortage of food in Europe due to the decrease in production and to the lack of the vessels necessary to bring supplies from distant parts of the world. The problem centered mainly in wheat, meat, fats and sugar. The demand upon the United States was not only large but increasing.

MILK IS VITAL TO NATIONAL HEALTH AND EFFICIENCY. We can conserve wheat and meat, sugar and fats, and be none the worse for it, but WE MUST USE MILK. The children of to-day must have it for the sake of a vigorous, hardy manhood to-morrow. A quart for every child, a pint for every adult is not too high an ideal. There is no lack of evidence that children suffer if they do not have enough.