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"I suahly went through the black watahs of Kilgore to get that one." Next day when she stopped in Rollington to pay for the coffee-pot, and drove by the Crisps' to ask about the baby, Minnie Crisp told her several things. Mrs. Perkins was sick all night, and had told her ma that it was the lemon pie that was the cause of the trouble; that it would have made a dog sick.

"No, darlin', yo' ole mammy's mos' at de brink ob de riber; de cold watahs ob Jordan soon be creepin' up roun' her ole feet." "But you are not afraid, mammy?" Elsie said, tears trembling in her sweet, soft eyes, so like her mother's.

Den we mus' remembah dat de sick an' weak are in dis squar, and gib dem a chance to res'." Kern lifted up his magnificent voice, charged with the pent-up feeling of his heart, and his wife joined him with her rich, powerful contralto. "On Jordan's banks we stan', An Jordan's stream roll by; No bridge de watahs span, De flood am risin high.

"I'm feared thar ain't much fittin' to eat. Ef we'd knowed in time, we might hev killed a shoat." "Try some o' this middlin'," chimed in Rogers on the other side, passing the dish. "Tilt up the plattah an' git some gravy; it's better'n the meat. Wish 'twuz time fur 'possum. My mouth fa'rly watahs fur a taste o' possum meat.