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But nothing would induce Walad to do this. He was surrounded by 7000 soldiers, and Gordon felt himself, in spite of the denials of the rebel chief, practically a prisoner. Walad demanded authority to go on attacking Johannis, but to this of course the Governor-General could not assent.

I guessed about two hundred reals; Yusuf thought the same. It appeared that this waistcoat was the property of Abd-el-Galeel, and was taken as plunder during the last expedition of the Kailouees against the Walad Suleiman. There are several slaves also at Seloufeeat, who once were the property of these Arabs.

He therefore compromised matters by offering Walad £1000 per mensem, on condition that he should leave his old king alone.

Hateetah has brought stirring intelligence: the Sultan of Bornou is at war with his brother. Ten thousand Tuaricks of Aheer have gone against the Walad Suleiman; and, taking advantage of the opportunity, the Tuaricks of Timbuctoo are marching from the other direction to fall upon their brethren of Aheer. Quarrels of kites and crows!

According to the report of the Kailouees they have destroyed all the Walad Suleiman, killed them every one. They went against the Arabs ten thousand strong; some of the enemy, however, are said to have died of hunger. It is, besides, reported that the people of Bornou assisted in their destruction. Abd-el-Galeel himself is rumoured to have been killed.

Just at this time the great bulk of the Egyptian troops were required for the Turkish war against the Russians, and Gordon was left helpless, as he had not sufficient force with him to compel Walad to cease his intermittent attacks on Abyssinia.

The scarcity of food in Aheer one of the causes of the disturbances that are taking place arises, we are told, from the quantity of provisions carried away from the country when the Kailouees made their expedition against the Walad Suleiman. But this expedition is now finished, and there has been time for a revival of prosperity. Sickness and disease are reported in Aheer at the present time.

It seems that "Fezzanee" is not a very respectable epithet in those countries. "I am not a Fezzanee," said Bou Keta, abruptly. "Then what are you?" "My mother was a Tuarick woman, and my father one of the Walad Suleiman." "Then the Walad Suleiman are gentlemen, whilst the Fezzanees are Turks and dogs?" "That's the truth," quoth he. To-day I found the veil of my sister-in-law of essential service.

Leave Seloufeeat "City of Marabouts" Fair Promises People of Aheer Aspect of the Country Extraordinary Reports A Flying Saint Prophecies A Present Expense of our forced Passage Hopes Fears The Marabouts Geology The coming down of the Wady Inundation Restoration of our Camels Maharees from En-Noor El-Fadeea Arab Tuaricks Maghata Picturesque Wady Rainy Season Another Flood Dangerous Position Kailouees and Blacks The Escort arrives The Marabout Population Reported Brigands The Walad Suleiman Pleasant Valley Escort leave us Difficulty of satisfying them Robbery Proceed to Tintalous Encampment The Sultan A Speech We wait in vain for Supper Want of Food.

But, having defeated the Egyptians, Walad got disgusted with the Abyssinian king for depriving him of his share of the spoils of war, and consequently, when the Egyptians in 1876 sought to avenge their defeat, Walad turned against his own king. The Egyptians were however again defeated, 9000 of them being killed, and an enormous number taken prisoners.