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He leaned towards her now, supported by his elbow, so that his face was close to hers, a deeper flush upon it, a brighter glitter in his black eyes, his vinous breath enveloping and suffocating her. She shrank back, her hands locking themselves one in the other till the knuckles showed white. "What what is it you mean?" she faltered. "No more than I have said; no less.

Truly, the Sorrentine market contains a feast of colour to satisfy the craving of an artist! At vintage time the whole Piano di Sorrento reeks with the vinous scent of the spilt juice, that is carelessly thrown on to the stone-paved roads by the jolting of the country carts which bring in the great wooden tubs, so that the very streets seem to run with the crimson ooze.

But it was understood that he knew duchesses in fashionable streets, and occasionally dined with them in solemn splendour. Clayson had a vinous nose and a tedious habit of saying brilliant things. With his twinkling eyes, red cheeks, and fair, pointed beard, he looked exactly like a Franz Hals; but he was dressed like the caricature of a Frenchman in a comic paper.

"Thank you; you shall have the holsters on your saddle; but take my advice and don't put pistols in 'em; or if you do, follow Pere Jerome's example he's the conductor of the Geneva diligence and put powder and no balls in 'em." And with that philanthropic advice, the postilion took his leave, and went down the stairway singing a postilion's song in a vinous voice.

We have seen that a heat of 75° or 80° must be kept up in the fermenting room: this being summer heat, proves that such a rich vinous liquor runs no risk of passing to the acid state with as much rapidity as that of the common distillers; and, consequently, that he who will follow my method can work all the year round without fear of losing the fruits of his labor, as it often happens an advantage precious for him who makes it his sole business.

We 'ave purchased a green-grocer's business in Columbus Avenue you might call it a sort of general business, fruit, vegetables, hegg eggs, coal, firewood and vinous liquors, sir. We hexpect to take possession in a fortnight, sir." "We? Have you a partner?" "Yes, sir. Watson, sir." "Watson? Is is he leaving me, too? Upon my soul, Diggs this is TOO bad!" "Yes, sir, it really is.

It is thus that, by a series of internal motions, the fermentation causes the formation of the spirit to be preceded by a slight production of acid; that it transforms the vinous liquor into vinegar, which the same fermentation changes in time into an animal substance, destroyed in its turn by the putrid fermentation.

It has an exceedingly pleasant smell, which is improved by moderate exsiccation; the taste is sub-saline, and somewhat austere. It imparts its flavour to vinous liquors.

While seated near these, François' quick eye detected the presence of some very small birds moving among the blossoms. They were at once pronounced to be humming-birds, and of that species known as the "ruby-throats" so called, because a flake of a beautiful vinous colour under the throat of the males exhibits, in the sun, all the glancing glories of the ruby.

The urns, receiving no other heat than that which the vapors coming out of the still can transmit to them, raise the spirit; the water, at least the greatest part of it, remains at the bottom: hence, what runs from the worm is alcohol; that is, spirit at 35°. It is easily understood how the vapors coming out of the still are rectified in the urns, and that three successive rectifications bring the spirit to a high degree of concentration: it gets lower only when the vinous liquor draws towards the end of the distillation.