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Former Marshal Doane of Vigilante fame was chosen as chief of police. Broderick was the Windhams' guest at their new home on Powell street overlooking the bay when Benito's clerk brought them news of the election. "Every reform candidate wins by a landslide," cried the youth enthusiastically. "I cast my first vote today, Mr.

After a little, however, doubtless to the great relief of the "outside garrison" of the armory, the great Vigilante bell began to boom out its signals: one, two, three rest; one, two, three rest; and so on. Instantly the streets were alive with men. Merchants left their customers, clerks their books, mechanics their tools.

M. Duchambon was at the time governor of Louisbourg, and maintained the defence for nearly forty days. The capitulation of the fortress was hastened by the fact that the English fleet captured the French frigate Vigilante, on whose arrival the garrison had been depending for weeks.

As soon as he reached San Francisco he was recognized by one of the authorities and 'shown up' by the Vigilante Committee in the Plaza, as they put up all dangerous characters for the police and the people to see. "And whilst he was there you passed, walking with another man, and looked him in the eyes and knew him not.

"That's so," he said with appreciation, and propped his folded arms upon the bar. "It sort o' come sudden, too." He smiled faintly. "It come as I said it would right here in this bar. The boys was settin' around sousing, an' pushin' round the cyards, an' the Vigilante Committee was settin' on a pow-wow.

The vigilante leaders saw impending, in the Front Street fire, the ruin of their business property. There were no longer men enough left to fight the flames and guard the fire-fighters. A point had been reached in which life and property were no longer taken into account, and efforts to restore law and order were facing complete failure.

Sometimes, with an involuntary, shuddering gesture, he touched the skin above his flowing collar. Casey, when informed of King's death, trembled. "Your trial begins tomorrow," Doane informed him. "They'll finish with Cora tonight." Thursday morning carpenters were seen at work on the Vigilante building.

Belle's face took on a weariness: "Oh, no not always safe to live in sometimes safe to make money in. There's nothing I'm so sick of hearing as this vigilante stuff. The vigilante crowd are mostly big thieves the rustlers, little thieves that's about all the difference I can see." "Well, is there any difference between being a rustler, and protecting and being the friend of one?"

Unfortunately he often chooses the quiet side streets, where his prisoner may have a chance to buy his freedom. If he pays a few dollars, the poor vigilante is perfectly willing to lose him, after making sometimes the pretence of a struggle to blind the lookers-on, if there be any curious enough to interest themselves.

There were still among them a few cool-headed criminals who counselled caution, but these were hooted down by men who had never tasted the rigor of vigilante rule.