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Picking it up in her jaws, she carried it back to the pool. There, holding it in her claws, she proceeded to wash it thoroughly, sousing it up and down till there was not a vestige of soilure to be found upon it. When quite satisfied that no washing could make it cleaner, she fell to and made her meal with relish.

A minute later Johnnie swung himself into safety, and only just in time, for more than one scaly reptile had scented the feast, and was hurrying through the moonlit waters, eager and voracious. This unlucky sousing in the flood settled the grip of the fever on Morgan.

"Is that sousing `glorious, Alec?" asked Frank, who was doing his best to dodge the little streams that through some other rents were trying to reach him. "Well, no, not exactly," was Alec's answer; "this beats anything I ever saw or heard of in the Highlands; and now that the worst is over I would not have missed such a thing for a good deal." "What do you think of it, Sam?" said Frank.

A glass of milk is better in warm weather, if it agrees. Let water alone, except it is that which the system has become familiarized with; then, half a glass is preferable to a larger quantity at meals. Sousing the stomach at meal-time with a cold douche is only harmful.

No long dawdling, and no running away from work on the part of the maids, thus close to the eye of the Senora at the upper end of the garden; and if they had known how picturesque they looked there, kneeling on the grass, lifting the dripping linen out of the water, rubbing it back and forth on the stones, sousing it, wringing it, splashing the clear water in each other's faces, they would have been content to stay at the washing day in and day out, for there was always somebody to look on from above.

And then when Captain Dan swore and I gave up there came a great splash back of my bait. I yelled and my comrades echoed me. The tuna missed. I skipped the bait. A sousing splash and another tuna had my bait. My line sagged. I jerked hard. But too late! The tuna threw the hook before it got a hold. "They're hungry!" exclaimed Dan. "Hurry reel the kite in.

Tukukan!" or the name of the pueblo from which the head was taken. This is to divert the battle-ax of their enemy from their own necks. The head is washed in the river by sousing it up and down by the hair; and the party returns to the fawi where the lower jaw is cut from the head, boiled to remove the flesh, and becomes a handle for the victor's gangsa.

I remember waking up midway between Corfu and Brindisi, on that shaky tub of a Greek boat; we were rolling a good deal, and I heard a sort of alarmed rush and shouting up on deck. It was so warm and comfortable in the berth, and I thought with intolerable horror of the possibility of sousing into the black depths. 'Don't talk, my boy, advised Biffen.

Sponge, adding, 'won't you be seated? 'How's Puffington? gasped our visitor, sousing himself upon one of the rosewood chairs in a way that threatened destruction to the slender fabric. 'Oh, he's pretty middling, I should say, replied Sponge, now making up his mind that he was addressing the doctor.

Now Elzevir and I, being used to the sea, were first through the hatchway above, and oh, the strength and sweet coolness of the sea air, instead of the warm, fetid reek of the orlop below! There was a good deal of water sousing about on the main deck, but nothing to show the ship was sinking, yet none of the crew was to be seen.