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At the same time the law of specialization must operate to set aside the tree-doctor to his separate duties, just as the physician and the veterinary surgeon already find their own distinctive spheres of work.

The shot must have struck home, for Olaf showed great emotion at once. "Oh, no, nuttings at all, nuttings at all!" he cried nervously, his hands working convulsively and his face very red. "Das horse he vas born dat way! Dat's all!" "He was, eh? It looks kind of funny to me, though," was Holmes's quick reply. "I know something about veterinary surgery, and maybe I can fix it up for you.

"Bad case, too." "A veterinary can cure that," Fred declared, speaking more airily than his feelings warranted. "Hm!" replied Flannery dryly. "You find the veterinary, Master Fred, and I'll show the gentleman how to make his fortune if he can cure wind-broken horses." "Then what good is the pony?" demanded Fred in exasperation.

Her head, her hands, and her feet would turn chill, and she would feel that she was the most unhappy woman in the world. But another minute would pass, voices would be heard: it would turn out to be the veterinary surgeon coming home from the club. "Well, thank God!" she would think. And gradually the load in her heart would pass off, and she would feel at ease.

A most valuable animal, and no one I can trust to doctor him but myself." "That's true enough," said the bailiff, admiringly. "There's not a veterinary in the county like the Squire." Travers was already gone, and the panting bailiff had hard work to catch him up. Kenelm seated himself beside Cecilia on the ruined fragment. "How I envy your father!" said he.

Blanchard also arrived at Newtake, and Will listened dully with smouldering eyes as his mother talked. The veterinary surgeon from Moreton had come, but his efforts were vain. Only two beasts out of five-and-twenty still lived. "Send for butcher," he said. "He'll be more use than I can be. The thing is done and can't be undone."

On one side was a bookcase, on the shelves of which were a few standard legal works, with others on sporting subjects, veterinary, falconry, horses and dogs, and other branches of natural history.

Then he stiffened out in a sort of a spasm. It was like strychnine poisoning. Before could get a veterinary here he was dead." "Did you make any examination?" "I analyzed the contents of his stomach, but did not obtain positive results." "What about the other dog?" "Rags? That was the day before yesterday. We had just come over from Flatbush and Razs was nosing around in the corner "

Wisting had a way of his own with his four-footed subjects, and was soon on a confidential footing with them. He also showed himself to be possessed of considerable veterinary skill an exceedingly useful qualification in this case, where there was often some injury or other to be attended to.

"Oh, yes, your uncle's foreman, Jim Mason, knows a lot about horses," said Doctor Bond. "Then why don't you go with the children and get Jim to help you find out what the matter is with their pony?" suggested Mrs. Bond. "There isn't a regular veterinary around here, and they don't want to see their pet suffer. Go along with them. "I believe I will," said Doctor Bond.