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In the distance they can be seen feasting under a rock. The fresco is much injured and repainted, but the figure of the Devil with the bundle over his shoulder is very fine and well drawn. The two last of the series are the best. Signorelli has in them given the rein to his love of martial scenes, and painted them with great animation and verve. In No.

Cornelius sang like a would-be singer, a song written by a would-be poet, and set by a would-be musician. Verve was there none in the whole ephemeral embodiment. When it died a natural death, if that be possible where never had been any life, Vavasor said, "Thank you, Raymount."

The execution of this masterpiece left something to be desired; but the whole betokened a certain spirit and verve, on the part of the sitter, which I found difficulty in attributing to the being before me. "Vous etes uh-ah KEW-MANGZ?" "What?" I said, completely baffled by this extraordinary dissyllable. "Comprenez vous fran-cais?" "Un peu." "Bon.

He admits that Terence had no verve; for that he commends the young poet to Molière or Aristophanes, but as verve was exactly the quality most wanting to Diderot himself, he easily forgave its absence in Terence, and thought it amply replaced by his moderation, his truth, and his fine taste.

A serious mind gifted with a rich imagination, Verdi became the chief of the new school. His music became more intense and dramatic; by vigor, energy, verve, a certain ruggedness and sharpness, by powerful effects of sound, he conquered an immense popularity in Italy, where success had hitherto been attained only by the charm, suavity, and abundance of the melodies produced."

On the other hand, if Houdon's felicitous harmony of style and individual force are forgotten, there is hardly any recognized succession to the imaginative freedom, the verve, the triumphant personal fertility of Rude and Carpeaux. At least, such as there is has not preserved the dignity and in many instances scarcely the decorum of those splendid artists.

Vainly are you a learned, grave writer, if you have not been born a story-teller, and you will never obtain the popularity of the Mysteries of Udolpho and the Shagreen Skin, the Arabian Nights, and Monsieur de Balzac. I have somewhere read that God created Adam, the nomenclator, saying to him: You are the story-teller. And what a story-teller! What verve and wit!

Such a life would have been a prison to her; so she thought, although she never spoke her thought aloud. Mrs. O'Shanaghgan began the old tale to-night, telling it with a little more verve even than usual. She ended at last with a sigh. "Oh, the beautiful old times!" she said.

I felt certain it would; and therefore said nothing. Some acknowledgement, however, was necessary; and, lifting the forage-cap from my forehead, I bowed slightly as such a salutation required but with all the verve that politeness would permit. My salutation was acknowledged by a nod, and, as I fancied, a smile.

He won't have conventional parties, and insists on plenty of verve; so, of course, one's forced to have it. He sighed. 'They haven't any children, and they make a kind of hobby of entertaining in an unconventional way. 'It sounds rather fun. Perhaps you will be asked next Thursday. Try. 'I'll try. I'll call, and remind her of me. I daresay she'll ask me. She's very good-natured.