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She saw in him only what the world saw a stoop-shouldered little man who spent six days of the seven in overalls that were either greasy or pasty. It was a vagary of Mr.

His majesty carried his love of performing ministerial duties so far, that for more than a year he dispensed entirely with a minister of finance, and divided the functions of that office among three of the clerks: no bad preparation for a national bankruptcy, we must allow yet the protecting powers viewed this political vagary of his majesty with perfect indifference.

"What; when you are so burdened with work that you do not know how to turn?" "I am never so burdened that I cannot turn to you. But, as you know, that is not what I complain of. If it were done for yourself, though it were the wildest vagary, I would learn to like it.

But I was always 'omesick for Quebec, more or less. You know what it is to be 'omesick." The word pierced Northwick through the vagary which clothed his consciousness like a sort of fog, and made his heart bleed with self-pity. "Well, I been 'omesick forty years, and I don't know what for, any more. I been back to Quebec; it is not the same. You know 'ow they pull down those city gate?

All over Europe, the wise took Buffon's hint for what he meant it; and the unwise blandly passed it by as a mere passing little foolish vagary of that great ironical writer and thinker. Erasmus Darwin, the grandfather of his grandson, was no fool; on the contrary, he was the most far-sighted man of his day in England; he saw at once what Buffon was driving at; and he worked out 'Mr.

It was simply because Ruth Leigh was guided by the exercise of reason, and had built up her scheme of life upon facts that she believed she could demonstrate, that she saw so clearly their relations, and felt that the faith, which was to her only a vagary of the material brain, was to him an integral part of his life.

Inexplicable vagary of the feminine heart! Miss Sophia worshipped before the shrine of her younger brother, to the absolute exclusion of any sentiment for the elder, whose generosity and kindness to her were yet as great as was Rupert's tyranny.

Then by some unfortunate vagary she chanced to refer to his first difficulty with Matlock, asking him for the real facts in the case, and the man crouched in the clematis gnashed his teeth at Douglass's contemptuous reflections upon his cowardice.

I should think not." "And he wants me to go?" Certainly she was impressed and flattered. "Yes, very much." Julian found himself again wondering, with Cuckoo, mightily at Valentine's vagary of desire. She touched his hand with her long, thin fingers. "You'll stay with me all the time?" "Why, of course." "You won't leave me? Not alone with him, I mean." "No; don't be so absurd."

Was he to wear them? If so, he Jethro Fawe would watch and follow him wherever he went. Had these disguises to do with Fleda with his Romany lass? His pulses throbbed; he was in an overwrought mood. He was ready for any illusion, susceptible to any vagary of the imagination. He looked round the room. So this was the way the swaggering, masterful Gorgio lived?