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'Your little carrot is all right, said Bloomah testily. 'They've only vaccinated her. The woman caught at the only word she understood. 'Vaccinate, vaccinate! she repeated. Then, relapsing into jargon and raising her hands heavenward: 'A sudden death upon them all! Bloomah turned despairingly in search of a wigless woman. One stood at her elbow.

The plainer terms suited better, and it was a day when things were more important than names. For some inscrutable reason the Rebels decided to vaccinate us all. Why they did this has been one of the unsolved problems of my life.

The Apaches, Comanches, the Shoshones, and Arrapahoes are so clean and so very nice in the arrangement of their domestic comforts, that they suffered very little, or not at all; at least, I do not remember a single case which brought death in these tribes; indeed, as I have before mentioned, the Shoshones vaccinate.

Now, I believe, the Dyaks have learnt from experience the superior advantages of vaccination, and, by a late Sarawak Gazette, I gather that it is one of the duties of a Resident among the tribes up country to vaccinate his people as well as to judge them wisely.

And that old cliche about an ounce of prevention is truer of livestock raising than anything else I can think of." "I have some more good news for you," Blalok said. "That's why I came over. We're going to have another species to treat and vaccinate." Kennon groaned. "Now what?" "Poultry." Blalok's voice was disgusted. "Personally I think it's a mess, but Alexander thinks it's profitable.

And what will be now? The stupid boy will go home to breakfast in a bazaar of costly presents, and he will make the stupid speech written by the fool of an Englishman, and the ladies will weep. But where will be the Judaism in all this? Who will vaccinate him against free-thinking as I would have done?

For a moment Jane relented; it was terrible to see this reserved and self-reliant man thus weeping openly, and she knew that the passion must be mighty which would bring him to this pass. In her heart, indeed, she had never loved him better than at this moment; she loved him even for his brutal attempt to vaccinate her by force, because she understood what instigated the brutality.

At one time in the bitter cold weather of winter a message came from a distant village where smallpox was raging, asking that a nurse be sent to treat the sick people and vaccinate those who had not yet taken the disease. One woman in that village had once been at the hospital, and it was through her that the call came.

Safety says that may all be true, but, mark his words, the minute my herd gets into inland waters it will develop some kind of disease like anthrax or blackleg, and the whole bunch will die on me. Sandy says it will be a simple matter to vaccinate, because the animals will be as affectionate as kittens by that time through having been kindly handled, which is all a whale needs.

Without its presence the grass fails in its chief function the storing of nitrogen and makes but poor growth. When the alfalfa bacteria are abundant, the plant flourishes and gathers nitrogen in knobs and bunches in its roots and in the joints of its stems. I sent to a very successful alfalfa grower in Ohio for a thousand pounds of soil from one of his fields, to vaccinate my field with.