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About how you happened to get into this sort of thing? You look like a good girl. Although looks are often deceiving." "I went there with him," says Fanny. And she points to a beetle-browed citizen with an unshaven face. A quaint Don Juan, indeed. "Ever see him before?" A shake of the head. Plain case. And yet his honor hesitates. His honor feels something expand in his breast.

"Don't I talk American to beat the band?" objected Fred. "Sit down on this rock a while, and I'll convince you." She sat on the rock, and we gathered round her. She was not more than twenty-two or three, but as perfectly assured and fearless as only a well-bred woman can be in the presence of unshaven men she does not know. Fred would have continued the tomfoolery, but Will oared in.

He was a shrewd, though good-natured critic, had many little secrets of colouring and composition, which an invitation to supper, or the loan of ten shillings, was sufficient to bribe from him. Ragged, out of elbows, unshaven, and slipshod, he still had his set amongst the gay and the young, a precious master, a profitable set for his nephew, Master Honore Gabriel!

He evidently had made no change in his toilet; and as Ruth stood unnoticed beside him, her eyes wandered over his gray, unshaven face, travel-stained and weary to a degree. She laid her hand upon his shoulder. "Louis," she called gently. He shook under her touch, but made no further sign that he knew of her presence. "You must be so tired, Louis," she continued sympathetically.

The alkali dust was caked on his unshaven face and the weary bronco was dripping with sweat. The owner of the Flying V Y, giving some last instructions to the foreman, turned to listen to the sputtering rider. "They they done run off that bunch of beeves on the berrendo," he explained, trembling with excitement. "Who?" "I don't know. A bunch of rustlers. About a dozen of 'em.

One would think you dwelt in the City of Mexico. You are unshaven you resemble a loafer in cantinas. That sombrero is, perhaps, fit for a bandit like Pancho Villa, but, my son, you are an American gentleman. Your beloved grandfather and your equally beloved father never assumed the dress of our people " "Hush! I'm a wild and woolly Mexican sport for a day, padre.

He passed his hand over his unshaven jaw with a rasping wipe and smiled grimly as he concluded, "I'm no hand to stir up lawbreakin' and disorder, but I want to say right here that I'll never inform against any Hillsboro man who keeps the next automobile out of town, if he has to take a ax to it!"

A man's face is seen pressed against the glass of the middle window. AUGUSTA does not perceive him. He disappears, the glass door, upper right, opens slowly and PRAG enters! His clothes are wet, he is unshaven, he is gaunt and ill, and his eyed gleans. He leaves the door open behind him. Once inside the room, he halts and stares at AUGUSTA, who gathers up her knitting and rises.

He never recognized me, so dull was he with disappointment ... me with my unshaven, unkempt appearance and in my mean German shoddy ... but stood silently, awaiting my bidding. "Francis," I said softly ... and I spoke in German ... "Francis, don't you know me?" He was magnificent, strong and resourceful in his joy at our meeting as he had been in his months of weary waiting.

"The major's asleep in that dug-out," volunteered Beale of A, pointing to a hole in a bank that allowed at least two feet of air space above Major Bullivant's recumbent form. The major was unshaven; his fair hair was tousled. He had turned up the collar of his British warm. Beale also looked unkempt, but he said he had had three hours' sleep before the barrage started and felt quite fresh.