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Meanwhile the Knight, left alone, stood for a few moments, as if stunned. He had played for a big stake and lost; yet he felt more unnerved by the unexpected finality of his own acquiescence in defeat, than by the firm refusal which had brought that defeat about.

But the Cockney's teeth were chattering with fright, and he was too unnerved to move or speak. "T'row ze crazy man out!" French Pete ordered from the bow. At this moment a bullet shattered an oar in his hand, and he coolly proceeded to ship a spare one. "Give us a hand, Joe," 'Frisco Kid commanded. Joe understood, and together they seized the terror-stricken creature and flung him overboard.

Little accustomed to such experiences, and entirely unnerved, I went to the Emperor's room; and when his Majesty entered I was still so agitated that my face was wet with tears. His Majesty wished to know what had happened, and I related to him the attack which had just been made upon me by the grand marshal.

Never had Talbot been to him so dear as now. And yet was he not in honor bound to Dolores? Honor! and did not honor bind him to Talbot? Such was the struggle within this unhappy man. Almost at the same time Harry and Talbot had recognized each other. Talbot, who had stood unmoved at the presence of death, now felt herself quail and grow all unnerved at the presence of Harry.

"You must excuse me, gentlemen, but the discussion of these topics has quite unnerved me. Allow me to share with you a thimbleful." Fitz drained his glass, cast his eyes upward, and said solemnly, "To the repose of the postmaster's soul." The Garden Spot of Virginia seeks an Outlet to the Sea

Just at this time the prospects of James, which had seemed hopelessly dark, began to brighten. The danger which had unnerved him had roused the Irish people. They had, six months before, risen up as one man against the Saxons. The army which Tyrconnel had formed was, in proportion to the population from which it was taken, the largest that Europe had ever seen.

What I'm afraid of is that she'll injure herself." "I think that's very possible," said Ralph. His companion stopped in the garden-walk, fixing on him perhaps the very gaze that unnerved him. "That too would amuse you, I suppose. The way you do say things! I never heard any one so indifferent." "To Isabel? Ah, not that!" "Well, you're not in love with her, I hope."

"Yes, and I had my room changed to over at the foot of the attic stairs just yesterday, but but oh, Miss Allen, it is too dreadful!" she gasped, dropping into a window seat and bursting into tears. "Don't, dear! Don't, Sally!" begged Jane. "You are all unnerved. Tomorrow you can tell me your fears, if you wish," Jane qualified. "But now let us get back to the girls.

The sudden sight of you unnerved me." The artist here seated himself also on an old worm-eaten Gothic chest, rumpling and chafing the golden or tinselled threads of the embroidered silk, so rare and so time-worn, flung over the Gothic chest, so rare also, and so worm-eaten.

The very recital unnerved and unfitted me for thought or reflection on any other subject for some time. It is scenes like this, of which ladies of my country and my state complained in their petitions, some time since, as rendering this District unpleasant, should they visit the capital of the nation as wives, sisters, daughters, or friends of members of Congress.