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When it was proposed to Mr Thumble that he should go in to him and tell him, he positively declined, saying that the sight which he had just seen and the exertions of the day together, had so unnerved him, that he had not physical strength for the task. The apothecary, who had been summoned in a hurry, had escaped, probably being equally unwilling to be the bearer of such a communication.

Oh, how thankful was Frank that he was not alone! He now knew the meaning of Pomp's warning; and the dreadful sound had so unnerved him, that it was with great difficulty he could keep on his way. But this lasted only for a moment. His fear changed to indignation, and a desire to execute vengeance on men who could be guilty of such barbarity.

I dropped the gun in the grass, sullenly, never speaking. "Johnnie, were you were you?" he faltered, unnerved. "Yes, I was going to give you both barrels ... and I'm sorry I didn't." All his desire to whip me had gone up like smoke. "Yes, and I'll tell you what, you big, dirty , I'll kill you yet, when I grow big." That night I fainted at supper.

May it not have been that this in itself unnerved her, distorted her views, aroused her passion till all within and around was tinged with the jaundice of her concern, her humiliation whatever it was that destroyed for the time that normal self which you had known so long.

You may call her course illogical, hysterical, what you like; I do not seek to defend it; I am only trying to give you the facts. She was so completely unnerved But a mere look at Mrs. De Peyster will show you how the shock unnerved her." The group gazed at Mrs. De Peyster's face. A murmur of sympathy and understanding ran among them. "In her hysterical condition," continued Mr.

It was far from him, however very, very far and he grew dizzy at the view, finding himself more and more unnerved by the height. At length he turned away and swept his eyes again over the horses, where he was glad to find the rangy sorrel. Then he turned back to the men, some of whom were standing, others squatting, but all in moody silence.

There was a tremor on his lips almost continuously. Once or twice throughout the whole interview, his eyes brightened momentarily with a hint of cunning or attempted cunning. Except for these few flashes, he was manifestly beaten, unnerved, suffering from a simultaneous desire and inability to weigh and ponder what he said.

All our arrangements are made our rooms ordered I have even sent father each day's address. If we cancel everything by telegraph he will be alarmed." "Oh, I did not mean that," protested the lady hurriedly. It was evident that she hardly knew what to say. Medenham's wholly unexpected query had unnerved her. "Is there any alternative?" demanded Cynthia ruefully, glancing from one to the other.

Captain Kettle was not a man who often sought help from others; he was used to playing a lone-handed fight against a mob; but the suddenness of the attack, the loneliness of his surroundings, and the dejection due to his recent dose of fever, for the first instant almost unnerved him, and on the first alarm he sang out lustily for the missionary's help. There was no answer.

Be seated, Miss Mona Montague; I have something important to say to you," he said, in a tone that struck terror to her heart, while the utterance of her real name so startled and unnerved her that, almost involuntarily, she sank back into her chair, her face as white as her handkerchief, and trembling in every limb.