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The white hair gives her the one thing that she lacks: distinction. I found myself glancing apprehensively round the room, wishing we had not invited so many eligible bachelors. Dick is making me anxious. The sense of his own unworthiness, which has come to him quite suddenly, and apparently with all the shock of a new discovery, has completely unnerved him.

Then he took her by the shoulders, and raised her up to him. And, quite unnerved, she stood without resisting. "I want you," he said; "I mean to keep you." Then, suddenly letting her go, he covered his eyes with his hands. That frightened her most it was so unlike him. Not till now had she understood between what terrifying forces she was balancing. She did not speak, but her face grew white.

She hesitated for a moment. He remained purposely silent. He was anxious to try and comprehend the drift of her thoughts. "Do you know why?" she asked. "Did he find the task too difficult, or did he relinquish it from any other motive?" "I am not sure," Wrayson answered. "I met him the night before last. He was very much altered. He had the appearance of a man altogether unnerved.

Poplar trees fell, houses crumbled, like a cartload of stones emptied by the roadside. Jacques, unnerved by the sobs of the women, cried: "We can't stay here. We must try something. Father, I beg of you, try to do something." I stammered after him: "Yes, yes; let us try to do something." And we knew of nothing. Gaspard offered to take Veronique on his back and swim with her to a place of safety.

Odd commentary in our modern philosophies this white-man explorer, unnerved, unmanned, weeping with pity, this champion of the weak, jostled aside by bloodthirsty, triumphant savages, represented the race that was to jostle the Indian from the face of the New World.

"Nay, O Queen," I answered, "if he be dead then he is everywhere, and well at such a time the time of thy own death may his Spirit draw near to welcome thine at its going." "Speak not thus, Olympus. I would see Harmachis no more; the count between us is too heavy, and in another world than this more evenly, perchance should we be matched. Ah, the terror passes! I was but unnerved.

Bitterly disappointed, humiliated, inexpressibly hurt and altogether unnerved, the soldier dropped upon a rustic seat in deep dejection, supporting his head upon his trembling hand. But he would not have it so: he was too good a soldier to accept repulse as defeat. He rose and entered the house, passing directly to the "sitting-room." It was dimly lighted by an uncurtained east window.

For two days Werper sought for the party that had accompanied him from the camp to the barrier cliffs; but not until late in the afternoon of the second day did he find clew to its whereabouts, and then in such gruesome form that he was totally unnerved by the sight.

He begged that the guard at his quarters might be doubled, and was totally unnerved when told it might even have to be reduced. Not so Mrs. Frank.

We're the reserves, you know, and we've hardly smelled powder yet." After conversing with several of the soldiers and civilians the latter being mostly too unnerved to talk coherently the Americans made their way back to the quay with heavy hearts.