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The affection is not benefited by treatment, and while a horse's leg may become so heavy and cumbersome as to mechanically impede its gait, as well as to fatigue the subject when made to do service even at a slow pace, elephantiasis causes no constitutional derangement. The hind legs, in elephantiasis, are affected and a unilateral involvement is more often seen than a bilateral one.

Ten years ago, the United States and the Soviet Union made the historic decision to open the strategic arms limitations talks, or SALT. The purpose of SALT, then as now, is not to gain a unilateral advantage for either nation, but to protect the security of both nations, to reverse the costly and dangerous momentum of the nuclear arms race, to preserve a stable balance of nuclear forces, and to demonstrate to a concerned world that we are determined to help preserve the peace.

In such instances one leg only was so mutilated and in most instances, it is reported that spontaneous recovery took place. In unilateral involvement without complications, the prognosis is not unfavorable if provisions for giving necessary attention are available. Treatment. The subject is to be confined in a sling and the member bandaged and supported by means of leather splints.

Nuclear proliferation would raise the spectre of the use of nuclear explosives in crucial, unstable regions of the world endangering not only our security and that of our Allies, but that of the whole world. Non-proliferation is not and can not be a unilateral U.S. policy, nor should it be an issue of contention between the industrialized and developing states.

#Trigeminal Neuralgia.# A severe form of epileptiform neuralgia occurs in the branches of the fifth nerve, and is one of the most painful affections to which human flesh is liable. It is met with in adults, is almost invariably unilateral, and develops without apparent cause. The pain, which occurs in paroxysms, is at first of moderate severity, but gradually becomes agonising.

It has been said that where the contract is unilateral, and its language therefore is all that of the promisor, clauses in his favor will be construed as conditions more readily than the same words in a bilateral contract; indeed, that they must be so construed, because, if they do not create a condition, they do him no good, since ex hypothesi they are not promises by the other party. /1/ How far this ingenious suggestion has had a practical effect on doctrine may perhaps be doubted.

There occurs more or less contraction of the hoof in navicular disease, but this is not to be taken as a cause of the affection, but rather a sequence. In some cases of unilateral navicular disease there is a marked contrast in size between the sound and unsound foot.

It is of primary importance to note here, that in the case of dimorphism of the sexes abrupt modifications occur in connection with unilateral heredity.

Berns considers rheumatism a probable cause of gonitis and, as he states, the dropsical form of affection of this joint is not ordinarily attended with manifestations of inconvenience to the subject. Gonitis is often bilateral and its onset is insidious in many instances. Symptomatology. In unilateral gonitis weight is not borne by the affected member.

Hermaphroditism has been observed in several species of Serranus, as well as in some other fishes, where it is either normal and symmetrical, or abnormal and unilateral. Dr. Zouteveen has given me references on this subject, more especially to a paper by Prof. Halbertsma, in the 'Transact. of the Dutch Acad. of Sciences, vol. xvi. Dr.