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Clodd had no eye for moon or stars or such-like; always he had things more important to think of. "Seen the old 'umbug?" asked Mrs. Postwhistle, who was partial to the air, leading the way into the parlour. "First and foremost commenced," Mr. Clodd, as he laid aside his hat, "it is quite understood that you really do want to get rid of him? What's that?" demanded Mr.

Y'are a precious sight, y'are!" he continued, apostrophising the 'rambler' branches "For all yer green buds ye ain't a-goin' to do much this year! All sham an' 'umbug, y'are! all leaf an' shoot an' no flower, like a great many people I knows on ah! an' not so far from this village neither! I'd clear it all out if I was you, Passon, I would reely now!" Walden laughed.

It is the very oddest side of one's business. I am not quite sure whether I like it or not. At any rate it is the very antithesis of "pomp and 'umbug." London. Published by Smith Elder & Co 15. The last phrase alludes to a conversation overheard at the assizes between two workmen.

'Pomp and 'umbug I calls it, and we poor chaps pays for it all. Fitzjames heartily enjoyed good vernacular embodiments of popular imagination. He admitted that he was not quite insensible to the pleasures of pomp and humbug as represented by javelin men and trumpeters. His work, as my quotation indicates, included some duties that were trivial and some that were repulsive.

Philip took the cue she offered. "Sirius, and Orion, and Ursa Major. I shall write the names and particulars for you after breakfast," he said with a smile. "Reg'lar 'umbug the Southern Cross," grunted Coke; "it ain't a patch on the Bear." "Mr. Hozier said something like that," put in Iris mischievously. "Did 'e? Well 'e's right for once. But don't you go an' take as Gospel most things 'e says.

"It's a umbug," said the lan'lord; to which I replied that we'd best go and see, and we went. We was late, on account of the lan'lord's extensiv acquaintans with the public house keepers along the road, and the hall was some two miles distant, but we got there at last.

"Don't speak to her, don't think of her; she's not worth it!" said Mrs. Heron. "She's not worth any sensible man's thoughts, least of all a man like you, Joseph. You are ill, you must come to bed!" "Stuff an' 'umbug," he hiccoughed, as he struggled feebly with them, and cast enamoured and would-be reassuring glances at Ida's white and stern face.

Mother Guttersnipe objected at first, characterising the whole affair as "cussed 'umbug," but she, likewise, gave in, and Sal became maid to Miss Frettlby, who immediately set to work to remedy Sal's defective education by teaching her to read. The book she held in her hand was a spelling-book, and this she handed to Madge.

"Esther ain't going back no more," Mrs. Saunders answered, incautiously. "Look ee 'ere, Jim " "Out with it, old woman no 'umbug! What is it all about? Ain't going back to 'er sitooation, and where she 'as been treated like that just look at the duds she 'as got on." The evening was darkening rapidly, and the firelight flickered over the back of the toy dogs piled up on the dresser.

So anxious were they about him, that not one of them thought of resuming the chase. Even the lagging whips couldn't leave him. George Cheek was presently hors de combat in a hedge, and Watchorn seeing him 'see-sawing, exclaimed, as he slipped through a gate: 'I'll send your mar to you, you young 'umbug.