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Allston, who remarked: "Were I Czar, I would issue a ukase, chaining you to the steepest rock on the crest of the Ural, till you learned the courtesy due to lady disputants. Upon my word, St. Elmo, you assault Miss Estelle with as much elan as if you were carrying a redoubt.

He must either surrender the autocratic principle, and in good faith carry out his pledges and share his authority with his people, or he must disperse a representative body which flagrantly defied his Imperial will. He chose the latter course. Five days after the examination of M. Makaroff, on July 21, 1906, the first Russian Parliament was dissolved by Imperial ukase.

Prince Lvoff, one of the most popular men in Russia, was placed at the head of the Government Constitute and general political amnesty was proclaimed in a ukase which brought numbers of political prisoners back to their homes from Siberia, and caused great rejoicing throughout the country, no longer an empire of the Romanoffs, who had ruled it for centuries with a rod of iron.

Spanish America was not the only part of the western continent threatened at this time by European aggression. On the 4th of September, 1821, the emperor of Russia had issued an ukase, in which he claimed the northwestern coast of North America down to the 51st degree. This claim was incompatible with the pretensions of both England and the United States, and was stoutly opposed by them.

It states that since the ukase of November 13, 1844, i.e. in the course of a single year, more than two thousand schools of different grades were established in various cities of the Pale, with more than one hundred and eighty thousand pupils, not including the technical schools in Odessa, Riga, Kishinev, Vilna, and Uman, with their hundreds of students!

Unalterable determination of the Allies with respect to Napoleon Fontainebleau included in the limits to be occupied by the Allies Alexander's departure from Paris Napoleon informed of the necessity of his unconditional abdication Macdonald and Ney again sent to Paris Alleged attempt of Napoleon to poison himself Farewell interview between Macdonald and Napoleon The sabre of Murad Bey Signature of the act of unconditional abdication Tranquillity of Paris during the change of Government Ukase of the Emperor of Russia relative to the Post-office Religious ceremony on the Place Louis XV. Arrival of the Comte d'Artois His entrance into Paris Arrival of the Emperor of Austria Singular assemblage of sovereigns in France Visit of the Emperor of Austria to Maria Louisa Her interview with the Emperor Alexander Her departure for Vienna.

The first piece of news I heard was that a ukase had been issued, ordering the erection of a temple dedicated to God in the Moscoi opposite to the house where I resided. The empress had entrusted Rinaldi, the architect, with the erection. He asked her what emblem he should put above the portal, and she replied, "No emblem at all, only the name of God in large letters." "I will put a triangle."

On May 24, 1862, Alexander II. signed an ukase revoking the suspensory decree of 180 1808, which had entailed numerous disabilities for the Jews incompatible with the new tendencies in the political and agrarian life of the Kingdom. To acquire immovable property on all manorial estates on which the peasants had passed from the state of serfs into that of tenants.

The day named way three weeks off, and I said plainly that it was impossible. One of the Russians looked askance at me, and said there was no doubt about it, as a ukase had been published ordering that the bridge should be built. I was going to answer him, but Papanelopulo gave my hand a squeeze, and whispered "Taci!"

These measures were sanctioned by an imperial ukase dated December 20, 1821, decreeing the abolition of the Kahals and their substitution by "Congregational Boards," whose scope of activity was strictly limited to religious matters, while all civil and fiscal affairs were placed under the jurisdiction of the local Polish administration.