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'Twus kind of a mean trick, imposin' on hospitality that-a-way; but 'twuz Bowney, you know. He hollered, an' I let him walk in front, but I kep' him covered with the revolver till I met some fellers, that tied him good an' tight. 'Twuzn't excitin' wurth a durn that is, ixcep' when his wife I s'pose 'twuz hollered, then I a'most wished I'd let him go."

I nigh on run my legs off follerin' up tootin's o' nights, fer dey wuz on'y pesky squinch-owls arter all. Dis eb'nin' I year a toot dat flutter my heart big en I knowed 'twuzn't no squinch-owl dis time, sho," and so Zany ran on in her canny shrewdness, for she perceived she was gaining Miss Lou's attention and giving time for recovery from the blow.

But 'twuzn't no use, I wuz a nigger, and so I've been ever since." And all the time she wuz tellin' this, Dotie's little white arms wuz 'round her neck and she was pattin' the black cheeks. And as she finished she said lovingly, "Pheeny is nice! Pheeny is pretty! Pheeny has got white teef!"

From the other Indians came a yell of rage and dismay, and then after a groan or two somewhere in the grass, all were gone. But the four were reloading with feverish haste. Henry, however, found time to say to Silent Tom Ross: "Thank you for the shot that saved me." Tom shook his head. "'Twuzn't me," he said. "Then you, Paul." "I shot at an Indian, but not that one.

Asaph's and all the other forts, responded as one man to that cry from Bryan's." "Did you leave the women and children in Fort Houston?" asked Dudley. "No, indeed," answered Rogers before Gilcrest could speak. "'Twuzn't safe. Houston's wuz li'ble to be attacked in our absence.

"'Bout two mile an' a half," replied the man. "My name is Stain, Isaac Stain. I reckon you must be Mister Kenneth Gwynne. I heerd you'd be along this way some time this mornin'." "I suppose Mr. Lapelle informed you that I was coming along behind," said Kenneth, smiling. "'Twuzn't Barry Lapelle as told me. I hain't seen him to-day." "Didn't he pass here within the hour?"

She done had de sidebo'd move in dar, en I wish I may drap ef 'twuzn't fa'rly blazin' wid silver silver cups en silver sassers, silver plates en silver dishes, silver mugs en silver pitchers. Look like ter me dey wuz fixin' fer a weddin'. Dar sot Ole Miss des ez prim en ez proud ez ef she own de whole county.