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And now it became our turn to play the part of the pursued; for as we went in stays the frigate fired a gun, to ascertain whether we were within range, most probably, hoisted her ensign, and made all sail in chase. The shot a twelve-pounder, we judged it to be by the sound of the gun fell short; yet at the same time it came near enough to satisfy us that we had not turned tail a moment too soon.

The officers showed us there the new twelve-pounder gun with its elaborately scientific machinery, its Scotch sight, and its four-mile range. I compared notes about the Trafalgar Square riots of February 1886 with an Irish officer who happened to have been on the opposite side of Pall Mall from me at the moment when the mob, getting out of the hand of my socialistic friend Mr.

Listen, Timmendiquas, to what awaits us if we are shrewd enough and brave enough to take it: "One thousand rifles. "Six hundred muskets. "Six hundred best French bayonets. "Four hundred cavalry sabers. "Two hundred horse pistols, single-barreled. "Two hundred horse pistols, double-barreled. "Three hundred dirks. "Six brass eighteen-pounder field pieces. "Four brass twelve-pounder field pieces.

He was not half as airy as he had been before, and the sound of the muskets and the twelve-pounder on the forward deck had undoubtedly made an impression upon him. But he was as glad to take the wheel as Christy was to have him, for he desired to study the situation after all the changes which had been made in the position of the several vessels.

"None whatever; there is no law of nature I know of that requires the channel to reach through to deep water. But there is one circumstance which leads me to fear it is 'no thoroughfare' to the deep water." "What is that, Captain?" "The present attitude of the Fatimé." "She does not appear to have changed her position or her looks since she ran out that twelve-pounder."

She was not exactly a Monitor; but she had a turret forward, and mounted two eleven-inch guns and four twelve-pounder howitzers. She had a heavy iron ram on her bow, and the turret was protected by three inches of iron, and the deck with two inches. It did not seem possible that a cannon-ball could make any impression on her thick armor.

When the last echo of the second shot in the north had died, the twelve-pounder was fired again. Then it was reloaded, but not with blank cartridges, and the word to advance was given. Now the men pressed forward with increased eagerness, but they still took wilderness precaution.

In the evening, a party under Lieutenant Horton, who was accompanied by Rajah Brooke, was sent up the left stream. Captain Keppel was at supper on board the Jolly Bachelor, when the sound of the pinnace's twelve-pounder carronade broke through the stillness of the night. This was responded to by one of those simultaneous war-yells, apparently from every part of the country.

"Whilst he's gettin' the private signals they're rather particular ones I went forrard to see the Dirk's gunner about borrowin' a holdin'-down bolt for our twelve-pounder. My open ears, while I was rovin' over his packet, got the followin' authentic particulars." I heard his voice change, and his feet shifted.

They are made of pieces of mutton rolled into a shape like a bird, and cooked, several at a time, on a wooden spit. Baked pie of cocks' combs and giblets. Roasted pig, a twelve-pounder. Roast squashes, stuffed with minced veal. Apples, oranges, figs, and finocchio.