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'If you were to hear me spoken of with contempt 'Who dares? cried Rose. 'Never to me! 'Contempt of what I spring from, Rose. Names used... Names are used ... 'Tush! names! said Rose, reddening. 'How cowardly that is! Have you finished? Oh, faint heart! I suppose I'm not a fair lady, or you wouldn't have won me. Now, come.

"Do you not know that I am betrothed to your kinsman? And though that you cannot know that I love your kinsman?" "So I have all the blows, and none of the spoil." "Tush! you have the glory,-and the sword, and the chance, if you will do my bidding, of being called by all ladies a true and gentle knight, who cared not for his own pleasure, but for deeds of chivalry.

Had my jerk disturbed whatever it was and sent it rolling down to mid-current? I asked Father Holland this when I came back. "Tush, faint-heart," he muttered, drawing me aside. "'Tis only a trial of your faith." I said something about trials of faith which I shall not repeat here, but which the majority of people, who are on the tenter-hooks of such trials, have said for themselves. "Faith!

"To speak with Master Foster instantly, on pressing business of the state," was the ready reply of Michael Lambourne. "Methinks you will find difficulty to make that good," said Tressilian in a whisper to his companion, while the servant went to carry the message to his master. "Tush," replied the adventurer; "no soldier would go on were he always to consider when and how he should come off.

"In truth," said the Abbot, "and the doubt is well thought on, were it as well removed; for I scarce know in the Halidome so fitting a place of refuge, yet see I not how to recommend it to our worshipful guest, considering the unrestrained petulance of this headstrong youth." "Tush! reverend sirs what would you make of me?" said Sir Piercie Shafton.

For a moment Loder remained motionless; then h rose suddenly, pushing back his chair. "Tush, man! You don't know what you say. The fact of your being married bars it. Can't you see that?" Again Chilcote caught his arm. "You misunderstand," he said. "You mistake the position. I tell you my wife and I are nothing to each other. She goes her way; I go mine. We have our own friends, our own rooms.

How his lion heart must chafe, condemned to see a foe whom his skill as captain tells him it were madness to confront!" "Ay, Richard Nevile, ay," said the prelate, with a slight sneer, "play the Paladin, and become the dupe; release the prince, and betray the people!" "No! I can be true to both. Tush! brother, your craft is slight to the plain wisdom of bold honesty.

"Tush, girl, what ails ye?" said the man, removing his pipe to send a cloud of blue smoke to mingle with the gray of the smudge. "I mean it, Daddy, dear. You are just wonderful. Oh, I know how disappointed you are. I know just how it hurts to have a man like Orcutt get the best of you. I saw it in your face." "Did Orcutt see it, d'ye think?" "Of course he did and he just gloated."

"And he had a tush stickin' out from his lower jaw," added Robert. They gazed at each other in silent horror. While this awful pantomime was going on, the flap of Grandma Padgett's tent was lifted, and a voice of command, expressing besides astonishment and alarm, startled their ears with "Children!"

But I beg you, my dear friend, to continue as you are. Tush, it is nothing but some smuggler's work." Scudamore hoped that he might be right, and for some little time was not disturbed by any appearance to the contrary.