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'Oh, yes, I've heard that story. But it seemed common gossip at Tunumburra that there was another less creditable explanation. She turned fiercely upon him. 'You have no right to make such an abominable accusation. 'I only mention what I heard. I went about a good deal there in bar saloons, and to men's gatherings.

'The Pastoralist Executive at Tunumburra have asked us cattle-owners who are more likely to be let alone than the sheep-men, to help in garrisoning the sheep-stations; and I've promised to ride over to Breeza Downs to-morrow and do my share in protecting the place. Harris and I are going together. Lady Bridge seemed more interested in blowing smoke-rings than in her husband's news.

'And look here, Harry, you can tell them at the Myall Creek out-station as you go by, to have two good horses ready in the yard for me. I'm off to Tunumburra to put the police on to those devils straight away. 'All right, Boss. You'll find it will take some tall calculatin' though. Them Unionists are getting too strong for the police to tackle.

'You can't give me in charge you've got no warrant I've done nothing to be given in charge for. 'Some of your people have, though, and here's a bit of information for any skunk among your cowardly lot, said McKeith. 'I've offered one hundred pounds reward for the scoundrels who cut my horses' throats and robbed my drays on the road to Tunumburra.

'But you see, Boss, he twitted me a bit about not having a warrant, and there's no doubt, wherever he's learned it, that the chap has got the whole constabulary lay-out at his finger ends besides having the ear of the Governor and the Executive down in Leichardt's Town. He's got money too, no end of it. They were saying in Tunumburra that his wife left him a quarter of a million.

Maule's impressions of Tunumburra where he had met McKeith in the township hotel, and the two had apparently, in the usual Bush fashion, got on intimate terms the rumours of an armed camp of Unionists, and the expected conflict between them and the sheep owners and free shearers at Breeza Downs, whither the Government specials were bound.

Wombo catch him PHO PHO. Plenty quick husband belonging to me TUMBLE DOWN. And Oola wailed anew. 'Where's Wombo now? Bridget asked. Pollis-man close-up black's camp. That feller Harris catch 'im Wombo fetch um long-a Tunumburra gaol. Mine think it stop to-night Moongarr. Close-up station now. Lady Bridget at once saw through the affair.

Harris dismounted, tied Wombo's horse securely to the veranda post and then made his statement which coincided with Bridget's idea of what had happened. It was too late to push on to Tunumburra. He proposed to lock up his prisoner at Moongarr for the night. Could he have the hide-house?

She herself liked Tommy in her contradictory, whimsical fashion; but now, the fuss over, the boy who clearly was not in the least hurt made her very cross, and she became positively furious at seeing McKeith delay yet further to unstrap his valise and get out a toy he must have bought for Tommy in Tunumburra.

'He's had his eye on Wombo and would be glad of an opportunity to best him on account of a little affair about a colt Wombo rode for him at the last Tunumburra races and lost the stakes out of spite, Harris declares. 'Oh, I know about that and I told Mr Harris what I thought about his treatment of the Blacks. But he can't punish Wombo if I choose to have him here.