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Ford grew frightened and implored them to stop. They did so, all but Alfaretta and Molly, who had both been fascinated by the sport and felt sure that they could hit the bull's-eye which nobody else had done. "Come on, Alfy! Let's get down on our tummy, same's all marksmen do, let's!"

One comes from the man who can be counted on to say: "They tell me that show at the Eltinge What's it called? 'Tickling Tottie's Tummy? well, they say it's pretty raw. Certainly does beat all how there are some men who just have to see a show soon's they hear it's smutty. I can't understand it." This might be called the Comment Ingenuous.

"'That's all rigmarole that somebody hands you when you've won the Wooden Cross and a little garden growing over your tummy, is the way they put it in their argot. 'The Marseillaise, the Chant du Depart are all right for the youngsters, and the reviews and let me tell you, the reviews take a lot of furbishing and make a lot of dust. That's all they really amount to.

"Oh! ... Did I squall, really?" "Squall? Sometimes it was tummy and sometimes it was temper. Between them you yelled like a Comanche," said this astonishing lover. Mary Virginia tilted her head back, adorably. "It was very, very noble of you to mind me under the circumstances," she conceded, graciously. "Believe me, it was," agreed Laurence.

They'll be sellin' sherry an' egg in all the saloons to-morrow at a dollar a flip. They ain't no starvin' orphan child in Dawson that won't be wrappin' its tummy around eggs. What d'ye think I run into? a geezer with three thousan' eggs d'ye get me? Three thousan', an' just freighted in from Forty Mile." "Fairy stories," Smoke doubted. "Fairy hell! I seen them eggs.

"I thought I was the only man in the world who knew that crazy old couplet," he confessed, and he chased me around the shack with the rest of the dipperful, to keep from chilling his tummy, he explained. Then Dinky-Dunk and I both like to give pet-names to things. He calls me "Lady Bird" and "Gee-Gee" and sometimes "Honey," and sometimes "Boca Chica" and "Tabby."

At your solar plexus you are primarily conscious: there, behind you stomach. There you have the profound and pristine conscious awareness that you are you. Don't say you haven't. I know you have. You might as well try to deny the nose on your face. There is your first and deepest seat of awareness. There you are triumphantly aware of your own individual existence in the universe. Absolutely there is the keep and central stronghold of your triumphantly-conscious self. There you are, and you know it. So stick out your tummy gaily, my dear, with a Me voil

He poured a pinch of tobacco into his palm and sniffed. The weed was all right. Probably something he had eaten. He was always forgetting that his tummy was fifty-four years old. He would certainly welcome McClintock's advent. Mac would have some new yarns to spin and a fresh turn-over to his celebrated liver.

"I came near to putting my foot through its shining tummy this morning! Still it may serve its silly use, if it takes his mind off his book, until we can get him safely home. I suppose you know, sir, that Ronald West is about as ill as a man can be? It will be touch and go whether we can get him home before the crash comes." "I thought he seemed excited and unwell," said Aubrey.

The X-ray apparatus, by the agency of which Cornelius James desired to see right through his own "tummy," has enabled the Fleet Surgeon to pick fragments of steel out of tortured bodies, as a conjurer takes things out of a hat. The after-cabin, that had witnessed so many informal tea-and-muffin parties, has been an ether-reeking hospital.