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"The First Royal Bank of Fitu-Iva will pay to bearer on demand one pound sterling," he read. In the centre was the smudged likeness of a native face. At the bottom was the signature of Tui Tulifau, and the signature of Fulualea, with the printed information appended, "Chancellor of the Exchequer." "Who the deuce is Fulualea?" Grief demanded.

The tomtit is like its English namesake in shape, but smaller, and with a glossy black head and bright yellow breast. The wren is a beautiful little bird, much smaller than the English one, and with green about its plumage. The tui or parson-bird is a starling, and has a small tuft of white cravat-like feathers growing from his throat. True to his starling nature, he has a delicious voice.

Quo me, Bacche, rapis tui plenum truly I shall be tipsy and will but finish my pattypan dulce periculum est Jacob can there be two Jacobs? and two old Toms? nay mirabile dictu there are two young Toms, and two dog Tommies each with two tails. Bacche, parce precor precor Jacob, where art thou?

Namque Apollo fatis fandis dementem invitam ciret: Virgines aequales vereor, patris mei meum factmn pudet, Optimi viri. Mea mater, tui me miseret, me piget: Optumam progeniem Priamo peperisti extra me: hoc dolet: Men obesse, illos prodesse, me obstare, illos obsequi!" She then sees the vision * "Adest adest fax obvoluta sanguine atque incendio! Multos annos latuit: cives ferte opem et restinguite!

The sweet clear whistle of the tui or parson-bird so called from his glossy black suit and white wattles curling exactly where a clergy-man's bands would be, could be heard at a distance; whilst overhead the soft cooing of the wild pigeons, and the hoarse croak of the ka-ka or native parrot, made up the music of the birds' orchestra.

And by the same token, with Tui Tulifau and the royal army behind me, buck you is just the thing I can and will. You'll pay them fines promptly, or I'll confiscate your vessel. You're not the first. What does that Chink pearl-buyer, Peter Gee, do but slip into harbour, violatin' all regulations an' makin' rough house for the matter of a few paltry fines.

"You madman, Parker," began Carteret, and then Tui threw her arms round her husband. "Are you tired of me?" she sobbed. "Is this how you would leave the woman who loves you, and who will be the mother of your child?" The deserter caught her in his arms, and looking over his shoulder at the lieutenant, said, "For God's sake, sir, don't wait. Call in your men and get it over."

In the mean time he would have no objection to engaging himself with us as a harpooner, and would get us as many men as we wanted, selecting from among the crowd on board, fellows that would, he knew, be useful to us. A bargain was soon struck, and Tui entered upon his self-imposed task. It was immediately evident that he had a bigger contract on hand than he had imagined.

Afterward Almighty God called again with these words, speaking to Abraham: Ego ero Deus tuus et seminis tui post te; "I will be thy God, and thy seed's after thee." Now what is it to be our God? Forsooth to be our defender, our comforter, our deliverer, and helper. Who was Abraham's seed?

So now the King comes for his daughter, for even now is Opataia willing to take her, though she is but of little worth, to my mind. "While they spoke thus to us, Tepuaka and his white friend had gone to thy house, and there did Tui, thy wife, meet them with smiles to hide what lay in her heart.