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Updated: August 18, 2024

'I find most pleasure in staying by the sea'. QUAE: a kind of explanation of querellis: 'lamentations, viz. such utterances as' etc.; see n. on Lael. 14 quae; cf. Fam. 2, 8, 2 sermonibus de re publica ... quae nec possunt scribi nec scribenda sunt. A. 199, b; G. 616, 3, I.; H. 445, 5. He was born about 230, and was therefore a little younger than Cato; cf. fere aequales below.

Namque Apollo fatis fandis dementem invitam ciret: Virgines aequales vereor, patris mei meum factmn pudet, Optimi viri. Mea mater, tui me miseret, me piget: Optumam progeniem Priamo peperisti extra me: hoc dolet: Men obesse, illos prodesse, me obstare, illos obsequi!" She then sees the vision * "Adest adest fax obvoluta sanguine atque incendio! Multos annos latuit: cives ferte opem et restinguite!

" Illum fidi aequales, genua aegra trahentem Jactantemque utroque caput, crassumque cruorem Ore ejectantem mixtosque in sanguine dentes Ducunt ad navis! Half an hour in my company, and you would not be so bold." Claude smiled with pardonable contempt, but made no reply, nor did he change his attitude. "Come!" Blondel muttered, addressing his ally with his eyes averted.

Three aequales I shall have lost Badeley, H. Bowden, and Bellasis; and such losses seem to say that I have no business here myself. It is the penalty of living to lose the great props of life. What a melancholy prospect for his poor boys! When you have an opportunity, say everything kind from me to Mrs. Bellasis. I shall, I trust, say two masses a week for him. He is on our prayer lists.

Leo M. Tolstoi: My Religion, Introduction, p. ix. D. Crawford: Thinking Black, pp. 444-445. Gregory the Great: Moralium Libri, Pars quarta, Lib. XXI, Caput XV "Omnes namque homines natura aequales sumus."

Albinus, homines consulates, nostri fere aequales, deplorare solebant, tum quod voluptatibus carerent, sine quibus vitam nullam putarent, tum quod spernerentur ab eis, a quibus essent coli soliti; qui mihi non id videbantur accusare, quod esset accusandum.

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