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Hope, ecstatic hope, flashed into Timmy's tear-stained face. "You mean to a man like Trotman?" "Yes, that's what I do mean. But I mustn't raise false hopes. I fear Dr. O'Farrell has made up his mind; he promised Mrs. Crofton the cat should be shot. Still, I'll do my very best." Timmy put his skinny arms round his mother's neck.

He added frankly that the doctor had suggested that the animal should be kept under observation, and then he managed to convey that money was no object, as the cat was a cherished pet sent from France during the War. Everything was soon arranged, for Mr. Trotman was a man of few words.

'Oh yes, she calls, and shakes hands, and all that, but one never seems to get on with her. And Emily Trotman, she's the doctor's daughter, such a darling, told me such a history so interesting! 'Tell me, Ida, there's a dear. Morton, Lady Adela's husband, you know, and Miss Bertha always racing and hunting and gambling and in debt.

"And never see such times as these Mr Trotman, nor the like of such. But I always thought it would come to this; everything turned topsy-turvy as it were, the children getting all the wages, and decent folk turned adrift to pick up a living as they could. It's something of a judgment in my mind, Mr Trotman." "It's the trade leaving the county, widow, and no mistake."

Trotman, and then the famous vet took them down the trellised path and stood in the doorway till they got into the car. "I'm glad to have met you, Mr. Trotman," Radmore called out heartily. "I'd like to come over here one day, and go over your place."

Walked the trenches where I chatted with the regimental officers and men, and found my compatriots in very good form. Went on to the Royal Naval Division Headquarters where Paris met me. Together we went round the 3rd Marine Brigade Section under Brigadier-General Trotman. These old comrades of the first landing gave me the kindliest greetings.

They pelted the police " "And cheered the red-coats like blazes," said Mick. "The soldiers will fraternise," said Devilsdust. "Do what?" said Mrs Trotman. "Stick their bayonets into the Capitalists who have hired them to cut the throats of the working classes," said Devilsdust. "The Queen is with us," said Mick. "It's well known she sets her face against gals working in mills like blazes."

"I've been in bed a long time," answered Timmy, sidling up close to his bed, "but I've just had a talk with Mum. I've come to ask you, Godfrey, if you'll help me with something very important." He added: "Even if you won't help me, I trust you to keep my secret." "Of course I'll keep your secret, old son." "I'm going to take Josephine and her kittens to Trotman," Timmy announced solemnly.

He found the letter unexpectedly difficult to write, and he had already torn up two beginnings, when the door behind him burst open, and, turning round irritably, he saw Timmy rush across to a window and shout exultantly, "Mum? We're back! And we've brought Josephine and her kittens. Mr. Trotman said she'd be all right now." Jack Tosswill jumped up from his chair.

In this way did he move about rapidly, but coolly, and did not again return to the deck until he had satisfied himself that not a single woman was in the burning, steaming, suffocating chamber. His intimate friend, Mr Trotman, who had followed him down almost immediately, found the poor lap-dog moaning under a heap of ruins, and was the means of restoring it to its little mistress.