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Right now, coming into Big Rock well for water is a pinto that has killed three other stallionsincluding a black I imported back in ’60and two of them were larger, heavier animals than he. "The Trinfans are moving down into that section this week. I hope they can break up that band, run down the stud anyway. He has courage and cunning, but his blood is not a line we want for foals on this range.

There were troopers down there, all right. The Trinfans sat on their saddles while an officer walked up and down before them. Running Fox put a finger on Drew’s arm and motioned to the left. The horses of the mustangers were browsing in a small dell, their night hobbles unloosed. Together the trio moved in that direction.

"Bayliss released you then," he said to Drew. "No. Reese Topham and the Trinfans broke me out." Drew kept to his recent vow of truth-telling. And, he noticed with a spark of something approaching satisfaction, the truth seemed able to shake Rennie a little. "Reese Topham broke you out! Why?" The demand was quick and to the point.

Deliberately he tried to subdue the sensation as he turned to the girl. "What’s the matter?" At first glance he might have thought her a boy, for she wore hide breeches and boots, a man’s shirt now hanging loosely about her hips. She jerked her head, and a thick braid flopped from under her wide-brimmed hat. "Señor, por favorpleasewe have done no wrong. We are the TrinfansTeodoro and me.

The mustangers were well known in this district and could prove their reason for being where they were found. And Kitchell had raided one of their corrals last season, so they had no possible tie with the elusive outlaw. Probably by now the Trinfans had returned to their hunt for the Pinto.

"We’ll have a delivery of remounts to make to the camp about then. You can help haze those in and pick up your own stock on return." León appeared in the doorway. "Don Cazar, the mesteneoesthey arrive." "Good. These people are the real wild-horse experts, Kirby. Not much the Trinfans don’t know about horses." Don Cazar was already on his way to the door and Drew fell in behind Bartolomé.

But Drew knew he must pin no hopes on a thread that fine. What had happened to Anse? And Shannongone to Mexico? He must have ridden back with the Coronel. Drew could expect nothing more from Rennie, or Topham. The Trinfans? Spath had marched them back, too, along with his prisoner, but the lieutenant had not had them under arrest.