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Auspos testified that defendant Billings in the presence of John Rawlings had stated in the Everett County jail that he had a gun that made a noise like a cannon. This was intended to controvert the testimony of Billings. Reese related a conversation that Tracy was alleged to have carried on in his presence on the Verona as it was bound for Everett.

Joe Delesse tried to peer through the cloud of smoke at Reese Beaudin's face. "Yes, I know him. Does he happen to be a friend of yours?" Reese laughed softly. "I have heard of him. They say that he is a devil. To the west I was told that he can whip any man between Hudson's Bay and the Great Bear, that he is a beast in man-shape, and that he will surely be at the big sale at Lac Bain."

Isaac Reese of Memphis was invited to come to the Capitol and on the day the vote was taken she and Miss Kearney made brief speeches before the Senate. On motion of Senator P. E. Carothers the question was submitted without debate, which was a disappointment to its friends, H. H. Casteel of Holmes county declaring that he had remained up nearly all of the night before preparing his speech.

"Why he never said, 'right' and 'left', in directing the chauffeur." Reese Lewellyn said, as did most of the Americans in the Islands, "That the United States should never give up the Philippine Islands, as they are a necessary base for America's importing and exporting."

"Why couldn't Emily and Christy have braced up and got it themselves?" "Now, Bob," Nita Reese remonstrated, "don't you think you're a bit hard on Jean this time? I know she's a good deal of a land-grabber, but now she's gone into an open competition just like any one else, and if she wins it will be because she deserves to." "Ye-es," admitted Bob grudgingly. "Yes, of course it will.

In the valleys of the Carson and Walker Rivers, four thousand feet above the sea, the grain harvest is about a month later than in California. In Reese River Valley, six thousand feet, it begins near the end of August. Winter grain ripens somewhat earlier, while occasionally one meets a patch of barley in some cool, high-lying canyon that will not mature before the middle of September.

We're a fair field for missionary work, Mr. Holcombe, all of us at least, some of us are." He glanced up as Carroll came back from out of the lighted room with an alert, brisk step. His manner had changed in his absence. "Some of the ladies have come over for a bit of supper," he said. "Mrs. Hornby and her sister and Captain Reese.

There was some trouble between Rev. Mr. Dejan and Bishop Reese of Detroit, consequently Mr. Dejan was removed from the mission, and Rev. Mr. Baraga was put in instead in the year 1830. He promised to do the same as his predecessor in regard to carrying on the Indian school at Little Traverse; but he did not.

By and by, in the due course of things, I picked up a copy of the Enterprise one day, and fell under this cruel blow: NEVADA MINES IN NEW YORK. G. M. Marshall, Sheba Hurs and Amos H. Rose, who left San Francisco last July for New York City, with ores from mines in Pine Wood District, Humboldt County, and on the Reese River range, have disposed of a mine containing six thousand feet and called the Pine Mountains Consolidated, for the sum of $3,000,000.

From that night he was ashamed to show his face ever again at Lac Bain. And no one knows where he went. No one except Elise. And her secret is in her own breast." "And after that?" questioned Reese Beaudin, in a voice that was scarcely above a whisper. "I cannot understand," said Joe Delesse. "It was strange, m'sieu, very strange.