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This switch and fuse block is the same as that used in the experimental set. The Protective Condenser. This is a fixed condenser having a capacitance of 1 mfd. and will stand 750 volts. It costs $2.00. Connecting Up the Transmitting Apparatus. From all that has gone before you have seen that each piece of apparatus is fitted with terminal, wires, taps or binding posts.

"Say, boy, before you or him ever gets off this train Sufferin' Moses! what was that?" The break came upon a thunderous crash transmitting itself from car to car, and the long, heavy train came to a juggling stop. The ranchman sprang to his feet with an alacrity surprising in so huge a body and ducked to look out of the open window. "Twin Buttes!" he gurgled. "And, say, it's a wreck!

Next morning, black looks and cursing threats in low voices greeted Hambone on all sides, and his work that day was so fidgety, and he made so many mistakes in getting the ranges on the sights, that the Major performed the coup d'état for which we were all anxiously waiting by transmitting as quickly as he could to headquarters his recommendation that he be retired, and Hambone, to our immense relief, was shipped back to England.

They know nothing of the laws but they have instinctive recognition of some force, which returns the act. They give because they desire luck. One may always receive help from them because they are afraid to refuse aid. Washington Irving has said, "Happiness is a reflection." "Everybody's countenance is a mirror transmitting to others, its rays."

The secular clergy bitterly resented the presence of the intruders; but the Pope favoured the friars and heaped privileges upon them, since they formed an international body easy to mobilise for use against the hierarchy, and able to be used for transmitting and executing papal orders.

My visit to the wreck, however, will remove that source of grief; for I shall have the melancholy satisfaction of transmitting to the dear lady, by the first safe conveyance which offers itself, the watch and chain and the signet-ring which he wore when he bade her a final farewell.

Then he saw Tom lying unconscious, with his head and arms on the table in front of him, while the low buzzing of the electrical apparatus in the transmitting box told that the current had not been shut off. "Tom! Tom!" cried Ned in his chum's ear. He shook him by the shoulder. "Are you hurt? What is the matter?"

In less than six months we'll be filling contracts here in America. Two months later we'll be introducing into seven different countries in Europe a fully protected and patented transmitting camera as far ahead of the old-fashioned photophone as a Bell telephone is ahead of a tin speaking-tube." "I know, Jim; but you must be more careful! You must, in some way, stop working so hard!"

Within recent years the possibility of insects carrying the germ and in one way or another transmitting it to healthy individuals has been suggested and much discussed. As the lepræ bacilli are present in the skin and ulcers of leprous patients, insects sucking the blood or feeding on the sores could not help taking some of them into their body or becoming contaminated.

If the station is near the sea, the conductor of this electrode may be run to a copper disk, having the same surface as the one at the transmitting station. With this description, the operation of the apparatus may be easily understood. At low water, the pressure of the atmosphere balances a column of mercury rising in a glass tube to a height proportionate to such pressure.