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Consequently, a wife detected in such an attempt is at her husband's mercy; and if he consent to spare her life, she must submit to any infliction, however it may transgress the covenanted limit. In fact, if he find her out in such an attempt, he may do anything but put her to death on his own authority."

She had no desire to transgress Miss Mohun's desire that no further intercourse should take place till she herself had spoken with Kalliope. She found little Phyllis Devereux a great deal taller and thinner than the droll childish being who had been so amusing two years before at Silverfold, but eagerly throwing herself into her arms with the same affectionate delight.

In the State of Maine, a hostile feeling influenced the entire population. A spirit of fiery independence asserted itself in the face of the British government. Sir Howard kept his eye on the stealthy movements of his disorderly neighbors. He was not to be outwitted by such aggressions; he was determined that neither Colonist nor American should transgress; his rights were to be respected.

As we were together in Paradise, neither separated from the other; as together we were tempted to transgress Thy law, neither separated from the other, so, O Lord, separate us not now." To the end of her prayer she added the petition, raising her eyes heavenward, "Lord of the world! Receive my spirit!" and she gave up her soul to God.

I tell you what, Miss Sally, freedom's monstrous industrious. That is what I think about these times, 'they's monstrous industrious. Goodness, I have gone and told a story!" "I shall have to take you home before you transgress again," said her niece, rising. "Don't go. We haven't decided what we must do," urged Miss Virginia. "What do you think, Mrs.

There is, of course, such a danger as that of providing too much liturgical variety. To transgress in the compiling of formularies the line of average memory, to provide more material than the mind of an habitual worshipper is likely to assimilate, is to misread human nature. But here, as elsewhere, there is a just mean.

"For just consider, if you transgress and err in this sort of way, what good will you do either to yourself or to your friends?

This is, of course, to carry ethical prejudice to the length of fanaticism, and to transgress the very law of moderation which inspired him. But it was only in his old age that he went thus far.

When, however, the family was away from the hall, he would transgress more openly; so that his sin became a scandal in the neighbourhood, and brought upon him the severe censure of Mr Oliphant, who threatened to acquaint the squire with his conduct if he did not amend. Juniper's pride was mortally wounded by this rebuke he never forgot nor forgave it. For other reasons also he hated the rector.

"'The blessed and holy one said, "I strove my best at first, for bringing about a good understanding, in regard to the Kauravas. When I could not by any means succeed in establishing them on peace, it happened that all of them, with their relatives and kinsmen, met with death. It is impossible to transgress destiny by either intelligence or might.