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He was not a Catholic; but that was the way it took him. Leonora slept for the first time that night with a sleep from which she never once started. AND then Leonora completely broke down on the day that they returned to Branshaw Teleragh. It is the infliction of our miserable minds it is the scourge of atrocious but probably just destiny that no grief comes by itself.

Some of them, however, more irresolute than the rest, at last disclosed the purpose for which the expedition had been undertaken; and the whole were ordered to be severely flogged: Arabanoo was present at the infliction of the punishment; and was made to comprehend the cause and the necessity of it; but he displayed on the occasion symptoms of disgust and terror only.

"What?" asked Riddell, too rejoiced that his friend was safe to be over- curious as to the exact consequence of his sentence. "Why!" exclaimed Wyndham, "it's all up with the second-eleven!" It was a blow undoubtedly perhaps the next hardest blow to expulsion but so much less hard that not even the boy himself could for long regard it as a crushing infliction.

There is a perceptible tendency to deprecate the infliction of pain, as well as to discredit all marauding enterprises, even where these expressions of the invidious interest do not tangibly work to the material detriment of the community or of the individual who passes an opinion on them.

It seems to be the custom of happy American parents to report to editors the infantile prattle of their engaging little children, and the editors print it for the benefit of those who escape the infliction firsthand. There is a story, pleasant but piteous, of Voltaire's listening with what patience he could muster to a comedy which was being interpreted by its author.

He neither had nor wished to have a confidant, with whom to communicate his reveries; and so sensible was he of the ridicule attached to them, that, had he been to choose between any punishment short of ignominy, and the necessity of giving a cold and composed account of the ideal world in which he lived the better part of his days, I think he would not have hesitated to prefer the former infliction.

America is spared the infliction of this notorious "cuckoo." Its nearest congeners, our yellow-billed and black-billed cuckoos, while suggesting their foreign ally in shape and somewhat in song, have mended their ways, and though it is true they make a bad mess of it, they at least try to build their own nest, and rear their own young with tender solicitude.

Silently she came forward, sat down on the marble bench, close to where he stood, and, turning sideways, leaned her elbows upon the top of the balustrade beside him. She looked up now, rather than down at him, and it went home to her, had nature spared him infliction of that hideous deformity, what a superb creature physically he would have been!

The reply came so sharply that it was evident he had touched upon a sore subject. "It is very much to be regretted that you haven't. After all, she must have left at least a hundred thousand to divide." "Even the prospect of a share of the spoil wouldn't have compensated for the infliction of visiting an old termagant like Great-aunt Rachel," averred Roger unrepentantly.

To you, a straightforward seeker after information, it has never occurred, I suspect, to inquire how far or rather how close beyond that attainment lie punishments of summary infliction and most terrible in kind? Torture the stake holocausts in the Hippodrome spectacles in the Cynegion what are they to the enthused Churchmen but righteous judgments mercifully executed on wayward heretics?