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Thet's all 't wuz. 'T least, thet's all I think 't wuz; though thar wuz those thet said 't wuz Claiborne's ghost. 'N' thet'll be the way 't 'll be with this miser'ble Farrar. He'll live ter wish he'd let hisself be hanged er shot, er erry which way, ter git out er his misery." Young Merrill listened with unwonted gravity to Aunt Ri's earnest words.

The big hand that forced Slone back was far from gentle, and again he felt the quick rush of blood. "Mebbe I can tell you somethin' thet'll make you sell Wildfire," said Bostil. "Not if you talked yourself dumb!" flashed Slone. There was no use to try to keep cool with this Bostil, if he talked horses. "I'll race Wildfire against the King. But no more." "Race!

If you hadn't been engaged for the harvest I might have listened to you; but that settles the matter definitely, as far as I am concerned." Skim sighed. "Ma'll be mad as a hornet ef I don't get any of ye," he remarked, sadly. "She's paid Sam Cotting fer this courtin' suit, an' he won't take back the gloves on no 'count arter they've been wore; an' thet'll set ma crazy.

"Nobody hain't got no license," retorted the younger man in the quiet of cold anger, "ter tell Sally nothin' thet'll fret her." "She air bound ter know, hit all pretty soon. Them dawgs " "Didn't I tell ye ter shet up?" Samson clenched his fists, and took a step forward. "Ef ye opens yore mouth again, I'm a-goin' ter smash hit. Now, git!" Tamarack Spicer's face blackened, and his teeth showed.

"Thet'll make your job a million times easier," declared Lem, as if to make up for former hasty pessimism. He led the way past some log cabins, and sheds with dirt roofs, and low, flat-topped barns, out across another brook where willow-trees were turning yellow. Then the new cabin came into view. It was small, with one door and one window, and a porch across the front.

"Oh, I know," said the tired, but by no means exhausted, Mrs. Tuck, "I ain't forgettin' their innards, ef thet's what you're thinkin' of. You just tell Silas to kill four broilers, an' I'll clean 'em to-night. Thet'll give me a start, and to-morow I c'n do a few dozen pies. I hev got some mince-meat, thank goodness! an' you c'n get me in some of them early apples in the morning.

"No, Dad, I never was for Sage King, else I wouldn't wear red to-day." "Child, you sure mean to run in this race the big one?" "Sure and certain." "Wal, the only bitter drop in my cup to-day will be seein' you get beat. But if you ran second I'll give you a present thet'll make the purse look sick." Even the Indian chiefs were smiling.

They was thin when water and grass was everywhere. Thin at this season thet'll tell you how your steers was pestered. Fer instance, one night a strange runnin' streak of fire run right through the herd. That streak was a coyote with an oiled an' blazin' tail! Fer I shot it an' found out.

'Who do you suppose it was? I enquired. 'Robbers, I guess, he answered, 'an' they'll be layin' fer us when we go out, mebbe; but, if they are, Fred'll find 'em an' I've got Ol' Trusty here 'n' I guess thet'll take care uv us. His rifle was always flattered with that name of Ol' Trusty when it had done him a good turn.

"Honest to goodness, Miss Wise, I've not teched a drop!" cried Droop, leaping to his feet and leaning forward quickly. "You may smell my breath ef " A violent push sent him back to his chair. "Thet'll do, Mr. Droop. I'll undertake to believe ye fer once, but I'll thank ye to speak plain English." "I'll do my best," he sighed, plaintively. "I don't blame ye fer not takin' to it quick.