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There were times when they rushed into the store bursting with news or plans, but they had learned to control their eagerness. This, though, was no ordinary news that had blanched Theodore's face. At sight of the three, Mrs. Brandeis quietly turned her boiler purchaser over to Pearl and came forward from the rear of the store. "Oh, Mother!" cried Theodore, an hysterical note in his voice.

She was the oldest of our family, and had always been a second mother to her younger sisters, and her house our second home. The last of June my son Theodore's wife and daughter came over from France to spend a month with us. Lisette and Nora, about the same size, played and quarreled most amusingly together.

There the Emperor's cattle were kept, and messengers had been sent to the Amba by the peasants requesting immediate assistance, as a Galla force had made its appearance, and they felt themselves unable to protect Theodore's cows.

They talked, critically and favorably, on the way home. They applauded generously. They behaved as an Orchestra Hall audience always behaves, and would behave, even if it were confronted with a composite Elman-Kreisler-Ysaye soloist. Theodore's playing was, as a whole, perhaps the worst of his career. Not that he did not rise to magnificent heights at times.

He had the good fortune now to secure as a tutor Mr. Arthur H. Cutler, for many years head of the Cutler Preparatory School in New York City, thanks to whose excellent training he was able to enter college in 1876. During these years of preparation Theodore's health steadily improved.

He has been a great scribbler, says Theodore, all his days, and he proposes to incorporate a large amount of promiscuous literary matter into these souvenirs intimes. Theodore's principal function seems to be to get him to leave things out. In fact, the poor youth seems troubled in conscience.

Peter thereupon made an agreement with the despot Theodore, by which the latter undertook to convey him and his army safely to his dominion overland. It is another story of Greek treachery. The Emperor, with his troops, while in the mountains, was attacked by Greeks of Theodore's army. Such of his men as did not surrender were cut to pieces.

One hasty glance, as she was being ushered in, showed paint pails, brushes, and long ropes fastened from the roof to broad planks below. "Miss Merriweather will be here very soon," the man explained good-naturedly. "She wants you to go with her to the hospital." Jinnie's mind flew to that one time she had visited Theodore's sick bed. She would be glad to see Molly the Merry.

He wants to give up all his royal rights, and live as a subject. He wants to marry a woman who isn't a Princess. 'Is she rich? 'Her father is, said the girl. 'Oh, Dad! can't you guess? He he loves me. Her head fell on Theodore's shoulder and she began to cry. The millionaire whistled a very high note. 'Nell! he said at length. 'And you? Do you sort of cling to him?

She glanced up at Theodore's entrance, and he addressed her in grave business-like tones: "Winny, do you know it is two o'clock? You should not study so late at night under any circumstances."