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"He will live, O Jed." "'Tis well," replied the one so addressed, rising and approaching my couch, "he should render rare sport for the great games." And now as my eyes fell upon him, I saw that he was no Thark, for his ornaments and metal were not of that horde. He was a huge fellow, terribly scarred about the face and chest, and with one broken tusk and a missing ear.

In the meantime, at their request, I was to resume my throne as Jeddak of Thark, that I might negotiate with neighboring hordes for warriors to compose the land forces of the expedition. I have done that which I agreed.

He turned to Corina. "You did a good job, Ranger. I didn't expect it to end so quickly." "Had Thark been less honorable than he was, sir, it would not have." "I'm aware of that, which is why he'll be sentenced to exile rather than death though in his condition, I'm not sure which would be worse." "To him," Corina said slowly, "it no longer matters.

I would estimate it will take at least eight to twelve days before he will be able to use his other abilities with even a novice's degree of skill and reliability." Davis frowned. "Will that be enough to help at all?" "Any assistance against Thark will be of help, Your Majesty," Corina said. "That's cutting it pretty fine, though," Forrest said.

As my machine sank among them I realized that it was fight or die, with good chances of dying in any event, and so I struck the ground with drawn long-sword ready to defend myself as I could. I fell beside a huge monster who was engaged with three antagonists, and as I glanced at his fierce face, filled with the light of battle, I recognized Tars Tarkas the Thark.

He had found his way back to Thark and, as Tars Tarkas later told me, had gone immediately to my former quarters where he had taken up his pathetic and seemingly hopeless watch for my return. "Tal Hajus knows that you are here, John Carter," said Tars Tarkas, on his return from the jeddak's quarters; "Sarkoja saw and recognized you as we were returning.

*They will not like it,* Corina thought nervously, but she said, "My recommendation, under these circumstances, is that Your Majesty and Prince Forrest leave Terra in a ship crewed fully by humans, its destination unknown to anyone not aboard, and remain there until Thark and the Order are no longer a threat." A murmur around the conference table was disapproving.

If she kept it up, the Marines would have no need to defeat her; she would do it to herself. Calm and control, as Valla and Thark had told her repeatedly, were the keys to victory. She and Medart joined the waiting group. "My men have been briefed, Ranger," Greggson said. "And they have stunners, not blasters, so . . . Sir Corina . . . won't be hurt." He turned to her.

If favourable, he was to repair immediately to Thark and devote his time to the assembling of a great horde of green warriors whom it was our plan to send in transports directly to the Valley Dor and the Temple of Issus, while the fleet entered Omean and destroyed the vessels of the First Born.

"Sola," I said, "you are a Thark, but you hate and loathe the customs of your people as much as we do. Will you not accompany us in one supreme effort to escape? I am sure that Dejah Thoris can offer you a home and protection among her people, and your fate can be no worse among them than it must ever be here."