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She remembered Pembroke's vehement declaration that Thaddeus loved her; but then it was Pembroke's declaration, not his! and the circumstances in which it had been made were too likely to mislead the wishes of her cousin. And then Sobieski's farewell letter! It was noble grateful; but where appeared the glowing, soul- pervading sentiment that consumed her life for him?

But why, dear Sobieski, why did you not follow me into the theatre?" Thaddeus shook his head and smiled languidly. "My poverty would not permit," replied he; "but I waited in the hall until everybody left the house, in hopes of intercepting you as you passed again." Pembroke sprung from his chair at these words, and with vehemence exclaimed, "I see it! That hypocrite Loftus is at the bottom of it!

Thaddeus, hardly more alive, sprinkled some water on his face, and with throbbing temples and a bleeding heart stood in wordless expectation over him. Such excessive emotion told him that something more than Sir Robert's hatred of the Polanders had stimulated his late conduct.

William Pitt Fessenden was chairman on the part of the Senate and Thaddeus Stevens was chairman of the part of the House. Upon the death of Mr. Stevens I succeeded to his place. The testimony taken in these cases fills three huge volumes. No inconsiderable part of the testimony was taken by myself, and I was but seldom absent from the meetings of the committees.

What is his name?" asks she, rising out of her lounging position and looking, for the first time, interested. "Thaddeus." Perpetua, after a prolonged stare, laughs a little. "What a name!" says she. "Worse than mine. And yet," still laughing, "it suits him, I think." Hardinge laughs with her. Not at his friend, but with her.

It was the only thing I could do, Thad, wasn't it?" "It was, Bess," said Thaddeus, gravely. "It was great; but by Jove, I wish I'd known, because Did you really tell the ladies the truth about it?" "Yes, I did," said Bessie. "They were so full of praises for everything that I didn't think it was fair for me to take all the credit of it, so I told them the whole thing."

Though Thaddeus Sobieski would have disdained a life of dependence on the greatest potentate of the world; though he rejected with the same sincerity a similar proposal from his friend, and despised the degrading offer of Sir Robert, yet he did not disparage his dignity, not infringe on the disinterested nature of friendship, when he retained the money which Pembroke had conveyed to him in prison.

I entreat you to walk in!" Thaddeus was too much pleased with her manner not to accept this courtesy. He followed her up stairs into a drawing-room, where a young lady was seated at work. "Miss Egerton," cried his conductress, "here is a gentleman who has this moment saved me from a ruffian. You must assist me to express my gratitude."

After half an hour's conversation with this family group, Miss Beaufort sunk into abstraction. During the first month of Mary's acquaintance with Thaddeus, she did not neglect to mention in her correspondence with Pembroke having met with a very interesting and accomplished emigrant, in the capacity of a tutor at Lady Dundas's.

"He is thinking that this winter has cost a good deal, and that it is time we went to economize with your old uncle Ronquerolles," replied Adam. The countess stopped the carriage near Paz, and bade him take the seat beside her. Thaddeus grew as red as a cherry. "I shall poison you," he said; "I have been smoking." "Doesn't Adam poison me?" she said. "Yes, but he is Adam," returned the captain.