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Under this impression they drew the sword, and rushed on as though in lawful war, and divided the spoils of victory in the scale of justice. After leaving St. Thomas’s a severe tertian ague every now and then kept putting the traveller in mind that his shattered frame, “starting and shivering in the inconstant blast, meagre and palethe ghost of what it was”—wanted repairs.

His mind was sorely troubled at remembrance of the last words spoken by his daughter Elizabeth, who had threatened judgments upon him because of his refusal to save the King; whilst his body was grievously racked with a tertian fever, and a foul humour which, beginning in his foot, worked its way steadily to his heart.

Peopled by those who were too eccentric not to prove troublesome, the history of the little colony was a stormy one its peace "like the peace of a man who has the tertian ague"; but its fame is secure, and, its founder, condemned by the common sense of his age, will ever be celebrated as the prophet of those primary American doctrines, democracy and religious toleration.

On arriving at Venice, the physicians recommending Madame Guiccioli to country air, they settled, still by her husband's consent, for the autumn at La Mira, where Moore and others found them domesticated. At the beginning of November the poet was prostrated by an attack of tertian fever.

"Do you know," said José sharply, turning to the doctor, "that your patient is dying?" "Perfectly; but what can I do?" replied he. "He is suffering from the tertian ague; the valley is permeated with it." "We must get him out of it," said José, with decision. "But where will you take him? the town is as bad." "On shipboard, and give him a sea-breeze." "The Chilian squadron is absent, cruising."

Having had a tertian fever more than once in the Turkish campaigning, I had a fellow-feeling for the poor lad, knowing well how the thought of a plunge into cold water would make him shrink. In a little time he felt for my hand and grasped it. "I'm warm enough now, in all conscience," he said; and with that we slipped into the stream.

Ordinarily, whenever Monsieur or Madame were unwell, even if their little finger ached, the King visited them at once; and continued his visits if the sickness lasted. But now, Madame had been laid up for six weeks with a tertian fever, for which she would do nothing, because she treated herself in her German fashion, and despised physic and doctors.

The next important step was made in 1885 by Golgi, an Italian, who studied the life-history of the parasite in the blood and distinguished the three forms which cause the three most familiar kinds of malarial fevers, the tertian, the quartan and the remittent types.

Velasquez did his part of the preparations, and doubtless shared in the royal festivities, but returned to Madrid so worn out by his undertaking, and by constant attendance on his master, that he was seized with tertian fever, of which he died a few days later, while but in his sixty-first year, to the great grief of his countrymen, and above all of his king.

Aware that I had better be any body than myself, with my usual invention and presence of mind I replied, "Not much, madam, thanks be to heaven! The robbers had stripped them both nearly to the skin, and they were so numbed with the cold that they could scarcely stand when they were unbound, the poor girl especially, who shivered as if suffering under a tertian ague.