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Altogether there were, with the new arrivals, about a hundred and fifty Chilian prisoners present on the Plaza; and Jim speedily made up his mind that it would be very curious if they could not by some means or other manage to effect their escape while on the road.

'The Ninon was really reported lost with all on board, said Miss Headworth. 'That was ascertained. He was saved by a Chilian ship, and seems to have been a good while making his way back to Europe.

Perhaps he would give her a party. But she didn't know any children, except the Uphams. It might be better to go to school so that she could get acquainted. Chilian was a good deal startled about the black garments. "She is so little and thin," he objected. "I never did like children in black; it seems as if you weighted them down with woe. And he has been dead so many months now."

As an especial favour, he allowed me to purchase at a high price an armful of dirty straw, which was all the poor horses had for supper after their long day's journey. Few smelting-furnaces are now at work in any part of Chile; it is found more profitable, on account of the extreme scarcity of firewood, and from the Chilian method of reduction being so unskilful, to ship the ore for Swansea.

He was very proud of the English blood in his veins, and always talking of the exploits of his father, who had served with the gallant Cochrane in the Chilian navy. At sea he was a man for emergencies quick, resolute, resourceful and sober.

Consequent upon my refusal to comply with his wishes the Protector shortly afterwards, unknown to me, despatched Colonel Paroissien and Garcia del Rio to Chili with a long series of the most preposterous accusations, in which I was represented as having committed every species of crime, from piracy to petty robbery; calling on the Chilian Government to visit me with the severest punishment.

The mail, which came late in the afternoon, had not been delivered, causing no uneasiness, as letters were not daily visitors. But now the serving-man, with a gentle rap, opened the door and said briefly: "Letters." Eunice rose and took them. "An East Indian one for you, Chilian, and why one from Boston for you, Elizabeth. It is Cousin Giles' hand." Elizabeth reached for it.

And it's queer they should happen together. A little girl! Chilian, do you like it? Why, it will fairly turn the house upside down!" There was an accent of protest in Elizabeth's tone, showing plainly her unwillingness to accept the situation. "One little girl can't move much furniture about;" with a sound of humor in his voice.

Only ten out of the fourteen, however, were ready for sea; and before the whole naval force could be got ready for service, it had been partly broken up by Lord Cochrane. There was delay, also, in getting the Chilian fleet under sail.

The probable reason why the Chilian Government refused to acknowledge these obligations was that the war being now ended by the annihilation of the Spanish naval power in the Pacific through the instrumentality of sailing ships alone, there was no necessity for a steam ship of war the narrow-minded policy of the ministers who have figured in these pages never conceiving that to maintain maritime preponderance is scarcely less difficult than to achieve it.