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The whole life-history as we now know it can be summed up as follows: The parasites develop within the circulation but certain of them seem to wander about and do not go on with their development there. When these particular parasites are taken into the stomach of most mosquitoes they are digested with the rest of the blood.

The facts about the jaguar are not new in the sense of casting new light on its character, although they are interesting; but the facts about the behavior of the puma in one district of Patagonia are of great interest, because they give an entirely new side of its life-history. There was travelling with me at the time Doctor Francisco P. Moreno, of Buenos Aires.

Upon the pages of the physical universe the story of every human life is perpetually before the judge of all the earth. It is deeply interesting to see how each living thing bears about in its body the story of its degradation, or the history of its rise and exaltation. Even in things that creep and crawl, the whole life-history is swept together in the animal body.

For love is the main thing, the prime thing, and to train the eye and ear and acquaint one with the spirit of the great-out-of-doors, rather than a lot of minute facts about nature, is, or should be, the object of nature-study. Who cares about the anatomy of the frog? But to know the live frog his place in the season and the landscape, and his life-history is something.

The most complete life-history yet given of any member of the aphis family is that which M. Jules Lichtenstein has worked out with so much care in the case of the phylloxera of the oak-tree. In April, the winter eggs of this species, laid in the bark of an oak, each hatch out a wingless imperfect female, which M. Lichtenstein calls the foundress.

This account discloses the vulnerable point in the life-history, if one is to destroy the insects and to grow fair fruit; if poison is lodged on the erect open-topped little apple, the young larva will get it before he injures the fruit. The best way to reach the second brood is to destroy all the first brood.

Now let us sum up some of the reasons why we believe that the malaria fever can be transmitted only through the agency of mosquitoes. First, we know the life-history of the parasite, it has been studied in both of its hosts.

In the first place it is an obvious fact that every living thing changes in the course of its life-history, and if as an adult it occupies a high place in the animal scale, its embryological transformation is more elaborate and intricate than in the case of a lower form.

That's my little life-history. I guess I was a fool to cut loose that way, but I was so mad I didn't stop to think." Psmith sighed. "You have told me your painful story," he said. "Now hear mine.

#Stages or Periods of Syphilis.# Following the teaching of Ricord, it is customary to divide the life-history of syphilis into three periods or stages, referred to, for convenience, as primary, secondary, and tertiary. This division is to some extent arbitrary and artificial, as the different stages overlap one another, and the lesions of one stage merge insensibly into those of another.