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When about thirty-seven years of age he was sold to a Mississippi plantation, in the north-western part of the State and on the river. The farm was managed by an overseer, the master Horton by name being a practising physician in Memphis, Tenn. Alston had been on the plantation a few weeks when, toward the last of September, the cotton-picking season opened.

He handed the order to Si, who looked carefully at the printed heading, "Headquarters, 200th Ind., near Murfreesboro', Tenn.," and then read the order aloud to Shorty: "Corporal Josiah Klegg and one private, whom he may select, will report to Mr. Levi Rosenbaum for special duty, and will obey such orders and instructions as he may give, and on return report to these Headquarters.

William Channing, of this city, who visits Earlville on a matter of business, which he will explain to you in person. You can rely upon his statements, as he is a gentleman of high character, and should you be able to render him any assistance, it would be greatly appreciated by Yours truly, HAIGHT LARABEE. Introducing One Lady to Another. Dundee, Tenn., May 5th, 1894.

It is a singular corroboration of the theory here advanced that the only other similar copper plates were found at Lebanon, Tenn., by Prof. F. W. Putnam; in a stone grave in a mound at Mill Creek, southern Illinois, by Mr. Earle; in a stone grave in Jackson County, Ill., by Mr. Thing; in a mound of Madison County, Ill., by Mr. H. R. Howland; and in a small mound at Peoria, Ill., by Maj.

"HEADQUARTERS SECOND DIVISION, 23D ARMY CORPS, In camp near Mossy Creek, Tenn., March 7th, 1864. "It gives me pleasure to state that, from personal observation, I deem Lieut. John O'Neill, of the 5th Indiana Cavalry, one of the most gallant and efficient officers it has been my duty to command.

It was rare fun to hear the Federal officers telling all their secrets, and revealing the terror they were in over Morgan’s raid. After listening to their plans of how they would try to capture him, Morgan had Ellsworth send the following dispatch to the provost marshal at Louisville: Nashville, Tenn., July 10, 1862.

"Ranaway, the mulatto wench Mary has a cut on the left arm, a scar on the shoulder, and two upper teeth missing." Mr. James Kimborough, Memphis, Tenn. in the "Memphis Enquirer" July 13, 1838. "Ranaway, a negro boy, named Jerry has a scar on his right check two inches long, from the cut of a knife." Mr. Robert Beasley, Macon, Georgia, in the "Georgia Messenger", July 27, 1837.

There are, however, some incidents of General Grant's first visit to your Army, his return to ours, and the planning of the grand campaign that was to end the war, that may interest you. In December, 1863, after the Battle of Chattanooga, the Army of the Tennessee camped along the railway from Columbia, Tenn., to Decatur and Huntsville, Ala.

What a Noise this confusion of languages make; tis almost as good as a beare baiting. Harke you, Sir, you are never like to recover me by law. Co. You are not the first sweet Ladie has been overthrowne at Common Lawe. Sis. Not by tenn thousand, Sir.

"Well, I'm goin' to read your old letter for you, if you'll just gi' me time," remonstrated Maria. "What are you in such a hurry for, old cross-patch? Le' me see: "Headquarters, Co. Q, 200th Indiana Volunteer Infantry. "Chattanooga, Tenn., Nov. 20, 1863. "Sergeant Josiah Klegg. "Dear Klegg: I have not heard from you since you left, but I am going to hope that you are getting well right along.