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Never does I witness action so sudden an' complete! It's shore the sharpest! The top kyard as the deck lays in the box is a ten-spot. An' as the papers is shoved forth, how do you-all reckon they falls! I'm a Mexican! if they don't come seven-king! This Holliday wins all along; Cherokee is out thirty thousand an' only three kyards showed! How's that for perishin' flesh an' blood!

"Well," spluttered Diggs; "it don't seem zactly right, seein' as how I on'y pulled the cuss out of his clothes and then let him go with a lambastin'." "The ten-spot is for the clothes you pulled him out of," Bunch said, picking up the garments and handing them to me. "Keep them, John, as a souvenir of your first burglar and true friend, Bunch!"

"It's a gallopin' shame," said Dry-Creek, with a sniffle. "It ain't human. I've noticed the varmint a-palaverin' round her frequent. And him a Marquis! Ain't that a title, Phony?" "It's somethin' like a king," the Brushy Creek Kid hastened to explain, "only lower in the deck. Guess it comes in between the Jack and the ten-spot."

"I'm going with forty, going with an ace of spades a ten-spot, Mannechka, if you please. I'm through. Fifty-seven, eleven, sixty-eight. How much have you?" "Thirty," says Manka in an offended tone, pouting her lips; "oh, it's all very well for you you remember all the plays. Deal ... Well, what's after that, Tamarochka?" she turns to her friend. "You talk on I'm listening."

I turned up the card. It was the ten-spot of hearts. I considered this most propitious; hearts being my long suit in everything but love, love having not yet crossed my path. I put the card in my wallet, and was about to toss the rest of the pack under the table, when, a woman's voice stayed my hand. "Don't throw them away. Tell my fortune first." I looked up, not a little surprised.

"Don't make me say it, Millie it makes me sick to my stummick. Three thousand dollars would buy the whole spectacle to save it from the storehouse. I tried Charley Ryan he wouldn't risk a ten-spot on a failure." "Harry, I oh, Harry " "Why, mother, what's the matter? You been overworking again, ironing my shirts and collars when they ought to go to the laundry? You "

How WOULD you like it?" The lawyer laughed. "I know; but, my dear fellow, what would you have? Surely, UNorganized charity and promiscuous giving is worse " "Oh, yes, I've tried that way, too," shrugged the other. "There was a time when every Tom, Dick, and Harry, with a run-down shoe and a ragged coat, could count on me for a ten-spot by just holding out his hand, no questions asked.

Mabel's queen. Hadad's a knave. He looks it! Keep smiling, Hadad, old top, and I'll let you forgive me. Rammy's the ten-spot tentative tenacious ten aces up his sleeve and packs a ten-ton wallop when you get him going. What's Narayan Singh? The deuce?" "The joker," answered Grim. "Are you in on this?" "Sahib, there was no need to ask. What your honor finds good enough your honor's order "

She had, she told Una, "been stuck with a lemon of a husband. He was making five thousand a year when I married him, and then he went to pieces. Good-looking, but regular poor white trash. So I cleaned house kicked him out. He's in Boston now. Touches me for a ten-spot now and then. I support myself and the kid by working for a department store.

I'd risk a ten-spot that he knows more about tea this minute than half of our travellers." But Dave was not to continue in the grocery trade, despite his reading of the encyclopaedia, A few evenings later he was engaged in reading in the public library; not an encyclopaedia, but Shakespeare. The encyclopaedia was for such time as he could save from business hours, but for his evening reading Mr.