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Avoiding the Dutch settlements, I propose limiting my inquiries to the northern and northeastern portion of the island, more especially the great bay of Gunong Tella. It is impossible to state here the direction of these inquiries, or any definite object to which they should be turned, as I am acquainted with no author who speaks of the country, save in a general and vague manner.

She let some moments pass before she replied: "I don't know nothin' about your master. Who is he?" An indulgent smile crossed the Mexican's face. "That ver' good to tella other peoples; but I know 'im here too much. You trusta me me quita safe." All this was said with many gestures and an air that convinced the Girl that he was speaking the truth.

"Miladi," said Girasole, in a gentle voice, "I am ver pained to haf to tella you dat it is necessaire for you to separat dis night till to-morra." "To separate?" exclaimed Mrs. Willoughby. "Only till to-morra, miladi. Den you sall be togeder foravva. But it is now necessaire. Dere haf ben an attemp to a rescue. I mus guard again dis an' it mus be done by a separazion.

He had seen Manuel ride away in the white light of the moon, and he had wondered a little and then had forgotten all about it in the spell of utter loneliness which the moon brings to those who are cheated by Fate from holding what they most desire. "Sure, me." Valencia's tone was convincingly positive. "Manuel, she's go lak hell for tella Señor Jack, José, she's lak for fight duelo. Sure.

The hysterical Miss Peckham kicked again and Pietro backed away and left space for his suavely smiling master in the doorway of the Day's kitchen. "I I wash my hands of you!" moaned the prostrate spinster. "What How did you come to bring that bear into my yard?" demanded Mr. Day, finally recovering his voice. "Boy tella me you give Pietro supper," said the man with the very engaging smile.

He say no word, but dat beega man he musta watch, for desa gang-men dey busta de stand, and dey tella Beppo to geet out or dey busta heem. Beppo he tell me I can hava de stand eef I pay him some eacha week. I take it and now I am afraid de busta me!" Bobbie laid a comforting hand upon the man's heaving shoulder. "There, don't you worry. Don't tell anyone else you're his cousin, and I won't either.

"I didn't tell everyt'ing. Besides disa man Hennessy he say cuta da wage, an' send for odders take your job, he tella da biga boss you no worka good, so da biga boss he no pay you for all da last mont'!" The ignorantly credulous Poles uttered a shout of rage. Several cried: "Keel him! Keel him!" Alex, in the loft, drew back in terror. "No! Dere bettera way dan dat," said Tony.

Then seeing the disappointment her ultimatum had caused, she added, "if it wasn't for you stickin' every thing up, I might make you some candy." "Oh, 'Tella! will you? 'Lasses candy? Ask him if he likes 'lasses candy." Violent nods of affirmation from the steam-enveloped victim. Myrtella had started with the simple ambition to wash Chick's face, but the boundary line had proved troublesome.

"What's the use of our doing that?" said Barradas gloomily; "as long as they don't interfere with us again, we might as well leave them alone." The Greek snapped his jaws together like a shark, and then grinned. "I tella you the God's trutha. I would as soona shoota a kanaka as I would shoota a rat."

He went straight to the heart of his subject and as a precaution against eavesdropping he put his meaning into the best English he knew. "José, she's dam-mad on Señor Jack," he began eagerly. "She's hear talk lak she's no good vaquero. Me, I hear San Vincente vaqueros talk, and Manuel she's hear also and run queeck for tella José. José she's lak for keela Señor Jack.