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"Luff off there a little, Vingo; keep to the right; these bare commons are not the easiest grounds to ride over, though with a light spring-cart like this one can navigate with some degree of comfort. The broad ocean is the place, after all. Give me the old ship Tantalizer, and I am at home. Take the glass, Vingo, and see if you can make out whether the steamboat is in sight or not."

"Yes, the camp, you little tantalizer," chuckled the guardian. "But you will not know what camp until you reach it." "Oh, yeth I thall. It ith our camp, the Meadow-Brook camp." "I hear shouts. I do believe they are girls'," cried Crazy Jane. She glanced inquiringly at Miss Elting, but the latter's face now gave no hint as to what was in her mind. "Come on; let's run, girls."

Over a year had passed since she was last reported, and her owners began to look doubtful in regard to her fate; and there were rumors that the Tantalizer was counted among the missing vessels, yet no one dared to breathe the thought to the still hoping family, while there was the least possibility that she might be heard from again; and who would wish to be the first to pronounce that gentle wife a widow?

There's no getting it out of you. And I'll not ask you ever any more never more to say out of the deep reality of your heart what you loved me for. 'Sweet tantalizer, what's the use? It comes to this sole simple thing: That at one time I had never seen you, and I didn't love you; that then I saw you, and I did love you. Is that enough?

As Harry stepped upon the wharf, he looked among the ships lying at the dock, for the Tantalizer, but not seeing her, he concluded she must have put to sea again, and taking his package upon his shoulder, he whistled for Neptune, and turned his footsteps homeward.

"O, go way, massa Harry; what you mean by dat?" said Vingo, letting fall his lower jaw, while the whites of his eyes looked as if they had some time or other been in contact with a ghost. "I mean that the Tantalizer will be ready for sea in a week, and Father will go master of her on a Cape Horn voyage. O, if father would only let me go with him, how delighted I should be!

Nearly a twelvemonth had passed since this letter had been received; not a word had been heard of the Tantalizer for a long time; several ships had returned which had left since she had sailed, but they had brought no tidings of her.

"Why, Pete ought to be big enough to lick you alone, Strong," continued the tantalizer. "Hey, Pete! Don't sneak out. Come and tell us why you didn't give this chap the lickin' you said you was going to?" Pete only glared at him and slunk out of the store. Hiram turned his back on the whole crowd and waited at the end of the counter for Mr. Schell.

Captain Grosvenor had sailed master of her upon six successive voyages, making a "telling" voyage each time, until, his fortune becoming sufficiently ample, he had thought to spend the rest of his days on shore; but, after a respite of seven years, he had become so restless, and so longed to try his fortune upon the water again, that, receiving a flattering offer from those in whose employ he had formerly sailed, he consented, as he said, "for the last time," to make a voyage in his favorite Tantalizer.

Preparations for the sailing of the Tantalizer were rapidly going on.