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Meet the Bey of Misratah. Wad Seid, and plain of El-Jumr. The Sand-Storm. Our Slaves' first sight of the Sea. Said left behind. Essnousee foiled in attempting to beat one of his Slaves. Trait of the Tender Passion in our Troop of Slaves. Result of my Observations on the Saharan Slave Traffic. Gardens of Tajourah. The Gardens of the Masheeah. Distance, Time, and Expenses of my Tour.

His lips were blanched and his eyes streamed with water. I got him placed on a camel. The wind continues to blow high, and the storm still lingers late, scattering about sand. Several of the female slaves are placed on the camels from utter exhaustion. Others are cruelly driven on. Just as we arrive at Tajourah, a negress of tender age falls down from exhaustion, bleeding copiously from the mouth.

And yet, Moors will take a bath once or twice a day, whilst they re-put on their linen for three months together. 17th. When we started this morning we fully expected to reach Tripoli in the evening, at least I did, leaving the ghafalah at Tajourah. But, after we had marched a few hours, the sky was suddenly overcast, and the wind blew until it became a horrible tempest

The gardens of Tajourah are about one and a half hours' ride. There was then the break of an hour, where are pools of stagnant salt-water, with snipes running about. Afterwards we entered the gardens of the Masheeah, amongst which is the British garden, or residence of Colonel Warrington.

The Masheeah is a series of mud-walled gardens, or small fields of corn, fruit, and vegetable cultivation, and houses within the enclosures. Some of them not unlike town farms. The whole stretches some ten miles along the sea-shore. The population of the Masheeah, including Tajourah, is equal to that of the city of Tripoli itself, if not greater.

We sat down under some olives a minute, ate a few dates, drank a little water, and then entered the gardens of Tajourah, which offered nothing new, except that they were more richly cultivated than most of those we had seen on our way. Threading our way amidst the mud garden walls, I was gratefully soothed with the sight of increasing culture, and population.