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"I hope and trust," he wrote to his Mississippi governor, "that your convention will do this, and as a consequence the Radicals, who are wild upon negro franchise, will be completely foiled in their attempt to keep the Southern States from renewing their relations to the Union by not accepting their senators and representatives."

That mode of carrying on the war was necessary, because the single element which Hannibal had to throw into the scale against so many disadvantages his military genius only told with its full weight, when he constantly foiled his opponents by unexpected combinations; he was undone, if the war became stationary.

There is, however, an outside seat upon the chaise which I will let you have upon a moderate commutation; so that the whole menagerie can go together the house-dog, the monkey, and the tiger." "I go with you," said I. "I count upon it," said the Master. "You have seen me foiled; I mean you shall see me victorious. To gain that I will risk wetting you like a sop in this wild weather."

The creeping ambition of Dubois foiled whatever dreams Archbishop Wake may have entertained of a union with the Church of France. From the larger field of political and ecclesiastical history we may turn again ere we close to the narrower limits of the Lambeth Library. The storm which drove Sancroft from his house left his librarian, Henry Wharton, still bound to the books he loved so well.

I made several attempts to divert it to other subjects subjects which might have nearer affinity, again, to others; unsuccessfully, however; yet, whether I was foiled through art or accident, I could not discover. Be assured she is much superior to l'ainee. "I would be wooed, and, not unsought, be won." So I conjectured she thought, and she was right. Philadelphia, June 8, 1803.

His negotiations were foiled by the frenzy of the one country and the pride of the other. At home his enemies assailed him with a storm of abuse. Pope and Johnson alike lent their pens to lampoon the minister. Ballad-singers trolled out their rimes to the crowd on "the cur-dog of Britain and spaniel of Spain."

She was foiled again, for she could not press the question more closely; and, sitting still in the shadow, she looked up between the dark fir branches at the line of gleaming snow and the great rock rampart beneath which they had crept. "Were you ever up so high before?" she ventured. "Yes," said Weston. "I believe so; but never for pleasure.

Foiled again, he kicked off the bed-clothes and said: "I tell yer I wants to die!" This terrified both of them, and he added, quickly: "Oh, God, if I was sure I were to die to-night I would repent at once." It is the commonest prayer in all languages, but down on her knees slipped Elspeth again, and Tommy, who felt that it had done him good, said indignantly: "Surely that is religion. What?"

I made several attempts to reach it by the gully of its discharging stream, but was always foiled by the rocks and dense jungle of pines, rhododendron, and dwarf holly.

It was wearisome for the Advocate thus ever to be foiled; by the pettinesses and jealousies of those occupying the highest earthly places, in his efforts to stem the rising tide of Spanish and Catholic aggression, and to avert the outbreak of a devastating war to which he saw Europe doomed. It may be wearisome to read the record.