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A troop of witches dancing wildly on the sward, a ring of fairies, kelpies tripping from crag to crag, a sudden chorus of sweet-voiced water-nymphs nothing unreal or fantastical would have surprised Errington at that moment. Indeed, he almost expected something of the kind the scene was so eminently fitted for it. "Positively, I must wake Lorimer," he thought to himself.

"Stop that there infernal screeching!" said a couple of ladies, who were sipping ratafia in company with two pretty fellows. "Dang it, it's Polly!" said Mr. Tom Billings, bolting out of the box, and rushing towards the sweet-voiced Mrs. Briggs. When he reached her, which he did quickly, and made his arrival known by tipping Mrs.

Not a penny on the Father Smith, clear and sweet-voiced as a mountain brook. Oh," he cried, "it's too bad! The naturals are worn down to the quick, you can see the wood in the gutters of the keys, and the pedal-board's too short and all to pieces. Ah well! the organ's like me old, neglected, worn-out. I wish I was dead."

Moshup, at the time when Nope was visited by Tackanash, had a wife of equal size with himself, and four sons, and a daughter, the former tall, strong, and swift, very expert at catching fish, and nimble in pursuit of deer, the latter beautiful, sweet-voiced, and bounding as the fawn.

I have in mind the sweet-voiced girl who shall be the lost lady and sing the invocation to Sabrina; the swart youth who shall be the magician and say the lines, "At every fall, smoothing the raven down Of darkness till it smiled"; and the golden-haired maid who shall glide in and out in silvery attire, as the attendant spirit.

Honeysuckles, the bright-hued and fragrant, the white jasmine, and many other climbing plants, were latticing the little arbour beside the clear fountain, half hiding their jewel-like pensile blossoms and bright red berries among the smooth green leaves which clustered so closely together as to shut out completely the hot sun from the little gay-plumaged and sweet-voiced songsters whose gilt cage hung within the bower.

In half an hour we were all sitting about the table in a dim light, while the sweet-voiced mother was talking with 'Charley, her 'poltergeist' " "What is that, please?" asked Mrs. Quigg. "The word means a rollicking spirit who throws things about. I did not value what happened at this sitting, for the conditions were all the psychic's own.

She is not in the garden; I have searched under every bush and tree. She is not asleep in the summer-house, or in the old barn. She is not feeding the speckled chickens, or gathering buttercups in the meadows. Her little dog Fidele is weary waiting for her, and her sweet-voiced canary has forgotten to sing. Has anybody seen my little Nelly?

They are not the great, stagnant, bull-paddocks, fat and coarse-noted like Parson, but clear-water frogs, green, lively, and sweet-voiced.

No vireo hung there her dainty cup, while her mate preached his interminable sermons from the trees about; no phœbe shouted his woes to an unsympathizing world; no sweet-voiced goldfinch poured out his joyous soul; not a song-sparrow tuned his little lay within our borders. Unseen of men, but no doubt sharply defined to clearer senses than ours, was a line barring them out.