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She knew she could not count on her continuity of purpose, and what really frightened her was the thought that she might gradually accommodate herself to remaining indefinitely in Trenor's debt, as she had accommodated herself to the part allotted her on the Sabrina, and as she had so nearly drifted into acquiescing with Stancy's scheme for the advancement of Mrs. Hatch.

The whole situation's a little mixed, as I see it but there used to be an aunt somewhere, a diffuse and innocent person, who was great at bridging over chasms she didn't see . . . Ah, in New York, is she? Pity New York's such a long way off!" Miss Bart, emerging late the next morning from her cabin, found herself alone on the deck of the Sabrina.

Guendolen caused her rival, Estrildis, with her daughter Sabra, to be thrown into the river, from which cause the river thenceforth bore the maiden's name, which by length of time is now changed into Sabrina or Severn. Milton alludes to this in his address to the rivers, "Severn swift, guilty of maiden's death";

"You're not very charitable, Jacob, I think," said his master; "but it may be as you say. And yet, why should he be so anxious to go out in the same ship with me? If he wanted to keep his money to himself; why didn't he keep close till the Sabrina was gone, and then sail by the next vessel?" "Perhaps he did mean it, Mr Frank, only you happened to light on him."

All these grow from the deep, dark water, and the blacker it is, the fairer their whiteness shows. But your eye follows the stem often vainly into those sombre depths, and vainly seeks to behold Sabrina fair, sitting with her twisted braids of lilies, beneath the glassy, cool, but not translucent wave.

"Folks were saying his money was all spent." "Folks are far wrong then. Andrew has all the money he ever had. Andrew isn't a bragger, and his money has been silent so far, but it will speak ere long." "With money to the fore, you shouldn't have been so scrimpit with yourselves in such a time of work and trouble. Folks noticed it." "I don't believe in wasting anything, Sabrina, even grief.

It was in the middle of January, the height of the Australian summer, that the Sabrina came in sight of Kangaroo Island, and in a little while was running along the coast, the range of hills which form a background to the city of Adelaide being visible in the distance.

You're sure one fine Fat, and if there's such a thing as a recordin' angel I got to catch that train, dearie the chauff's honkin' no grandmother stories goes with my concession. God, to think of Will layin' on a cool six hundred! Here's twenty-five for the funeral. If it's more, lemme know. Sidonia Sabrina, care Flying-Fish Troupe, State Fair, Butler County, Ohio.

Captain Andrew Traverse of the Sabrina is going to marry his owner's daughter Frarnie. Luck will take passage on that brig!"

Take, for example, the invocation of Sabrina which follows the song previously quoted the speech beginning: Listen and appear to us In name of great Oceanus. In spite of its very great beauty there is observable at the same time a certain monotony of cadence, and an occasional want of success in the attempts to relieve it, which place the passage distinctly below Milton's best.